Can this necklace be made by beginner?


New Member
Nov 27, 2007
Hi all,
I saw this necklace on and the auction was over before I could bid on it. It sold for $205.
I really like it, and was wondering if you guys thought this design could be remade by a beginner (me)? I know how to knit and crochet, but have yet to learn enough about beading. Was thinking that I might be able to take on a project, but am not sure. So here are the photos...

My biggest question is around the clasp, it looks like the one single pearl is the clasp and it is worn in the front in the first photo.
thanks for your help!

PS - these are not my photos, so i'm not sure if I violated posting photo rules, admins - let me know and I'll take them off or you can remove my post.


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This is how it looks to me: the large pearl doesn't look like a clasp but simply a pearl with a large hole through which the multiple strands of thread were passed, and the large pearl was centered. On either side of the pearl, the amethyst and pearl beads were then strung on each thread.

It looks to me like the necklace is put on like a scarf-- with the large pearl in front. It looks to be then twisted, then wrapped around the back of the neck, then tied loosely in front.

If I'm correct, this looks very easy to make.
Hi Reiah,

I agree with Pearl_Dreams, that this piece could be quite easily made, and the large pearl is not a clasp. I am wondering if they gave a length on it? The reason I ask is that the display busts are quite small, and only if one had a very small neck could the piece be wrapped around twice as in the first photo. Although if you were making it, would be simple to allow enough length to do so. Also looks like tiny silver spacer beads between the pearls. A yummy necklace for sure!
I agree with Pearl Dreams. The big pearl is a centre marker. I suspect it may be a fake pearl - or it is a big pearl which has been drilled out because there are seven (at least) strands to squeeze through the drill hole.
It is pretty much a threading on job, but the ends could be fiddly for a novice
Take a tape measure and wrap it around your the way I described (across the front, around the back, then tied in front. Make it a comfortable length for your own neck. Add an inch or two for the length taken up by twisting it. That's how long the necklace would need to be (plus a bit extra for each thread to finish the ends.)
Hi Reiah,
Yes I agree with the others here.
It's a simple enough task, just stringing beads etc.
I can't see how the ends of the tassels are finished, though, so this might give a beginner some pause for thought.
I'm sure the experienced beaders will offer some advice.
Very pretty necklace and I love the combination of colours.
You can finish these off by using a tiny tiny beadwork bead, the 1mm or smaller ones and going back through and up back into the main body, so you in effect treat the tiny bead as the ring of a clasp, if you see what I mean.
It is one way to construct a dead end anyway
thanks for reminding me about these scarf necklaces - I had some which sold quite well. Perhaps I need to get some more made!
Hi Reiah,
Yes I agree with the others here.
It's a simple enough task, just stringing beads etc.
I can't see how the ends of the tassels are finished, though, so this might give a beginner some pause for thought.
I'm sure the experienced beaders will offer some advice.
Very pretty necklace and I love the combination of colours.

O.K., a little input from an "experienced beader"...looks to me like the last pearl has a little bead after it (especially visible in the first photo). Hardly shows, so could actually be a tiny (size 11 or 14) glass sead bead close to the color of the pearl. You could use anything small. To end the strand once you reach the desired length, string on that last pearl, then add a tiny bead and go back through the hole of the pearl and several more beads (I like to go back at least an inch or two), pulling the tiny bead close to the last pearl. It's a good idea of tie a simple knot (a half-hitch?) around the string, then go through a few more beads and knot again, then go through a few more beads and cut off the thread as close as possible to the beads so the loose end doesn't show. At least that's how I would do it. Looks like a pretty fun, simple project that could be worn a number of different ways. Have fun, and good luck! You, too, will soon be an "experienced beader"... ;)
Thanks Wendy and Sheri,
I guessed that's how it's done, but wasn't sure.
Here's one I made, similar but not quite so labour intensive......

Sorry the photos. aren't brilliant, but it's a long necklace and difficult to photograph.....


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Oh so feminine and beautiful! That is lovely, Sueki! Such a gorgeous color too! Nicely done!

Reiah, the other area to think about is how the beads stack as they "come out" of the large pearl. Looks like they have left some string showing on some of the strands. It needs to be drapy. I would probably use some even smaller beads closer to the large pearl, rather than have the string show.
Thank you so much! I love all the feedback. I'm going to try to get out of work early and drop by the bead store. Bead stores around me closes by 5 or 6pm - don't know why that is. They could get much more business if they just open a little longer. I now see that the large pearl is not a clasp, but as you all say, a center marker.

I really love the colors too and how it drapes. The best thing about this is: i get to have fun while creating something on my own.

Another question - once I have the strands beaded, how do you keep the twisting in place? It might just unroll, right?

Sueki - What a gorgeous necklace. And large pearls too!
I think you will just have to twist it each time you put it on. The part that is tied should more or less hold the twist.

It looks like 7 or 8 strands so be sure to get small beads!
One way to work around the issue of passing multiple threads through the pearl would be to construct a custom eye-pin setup giving you very small eyelets on either side of the pearl and attach the strands to that. You could pass a strong filament through it twice, tie that into a loop, twirl that knot into the hole of the pearl, then slide your purple beads on so that they're flush with the pearl, as they are here, and after a few you'll just have a tiny bit of loop left to pass the filament you'll make the rest of the strand with through.

Or you could crimp the loop in place on either side of the pearl. You could just make an eye pin if you don't mind a little metal in that part of the design, but I think you'd need to solder it because it'll be under a bit of pressure.

I'm not a beader, so there may be other solutions I'm not thinking of... and of course, getting a pearl drilled out is always an option too. :)