California Abalone Pearl


New Member
May 13, 2014
On my yearly abalone free diving trip to California I found a massive 10.25 inch red ab. When I cleaned the thing I noticed the shell was pitted, had tons of wear, and multiple holes that went completely through the shell. At that point I figured I might as well check the gonad for pearls and felt something hard. Inside I found one large beautiful abalone colored one (as well as a small granular one, and one tan one (which threw me for a loop). I've attached pictures of it all and put an inch on there for scale. Everything I have read online states that the round pearl is very rare but I would love some professional opinion on possible value or what is up with that tan one. Thanks!!

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A very mature, if not over mature specimen. You did well keeping the shell, because it speaks to the pearls. One large, highly nacreous baroque pearl, one off round nacreous/proteinaceous pearl and a small near round highly nacreous pearl. All resulted from ongoing parasitic infection.

Abalone pearls are considered common. Finding them is still a rare event nonetheless. An exciting experience few will enjoy. These have some gem qualities and fashioning would add value. As most times, I suggest retaining pearls as keepsakes.

A terrific find. Thank you for the story and images.
Thanks so much for the info, especially so quickly! I will be keeping these to remember the good times! Hopefully more to follow.
Nice experience you add! You found these pearls from the state of California. I have some knowledge about where are the pearls found in California? The natural pearls are found on the Gulf of California. This gulf is also called Sea of Cortez or Sea of Cort?s or Vermilion Sea. On this you can found many pearls.
Hi Bryant
abalone is found all up and down the west coast from Baja to Canada. I have seen thousands of West coast California pearls. There used to be a big abalone meat business in several places like Monterrey Bay in California and the shuckers were allowed to keep the pearls. There was a day when you could buy them right off the fishermen. Today, most new abalone pearls seem to come from Baja.