Buying loose pearls for a pearl necklace?!

Precious Pearl

Community member
Mar 28, 2009
One day I wish to have a Tahitian pearl necklace (all 10 mm, multicolor in AAA-quality). Would it be stupid (from a cost perspective) to buy loose pearls for this necklace? Obviously the shipping would be more expensive but if just looking at the pearls as such? I don't currently have the funds to buy the necklace I want but thought it could be nice to buy a few pearls at a time.
Do not buy a few pearls at a time. They will never ever match. Even multicolor necklaces need to be carefully matched for size and surface quality and how the colors go together.

Either buy a pendant (one pearl) and enjoy it on a chain. Or save up and buy a necklace later. Pearl Paradise is currently having a Tahitian sale, and they can send you photos of necklaces in your price range. It doesn't cost anything to look.
I think Patricia posted some time ago a project where a client asked to make a necklace out of pearls that were bought as souvenirs during multiple holiday trips... or something like that. So in theory, this approach could work (as long as you accept of course, as BWeaves mentioned, that in will not be a uniform necklace).

Just buying a few pearls at a time from a vendor without any sentimental context and waiting till it adds up to a necklace is not cost-efficient. Also, I heard that the prices for tahitian pearls at the auctions are quite volatile and there has been a big increase in prices recently, so if you start collecting now - who knows what the prices will be in a year's time, for example, when you will need the last few pearls for your strand.
Another reason to buy a strand, not loose pearls is that there is bound to be some minor degree of graduation in size, as pearls are made by an oyster, not in a factory. Even if your pearls are more or less 10mm, they will not all be exactly 10mm.

Arranging the strand so that both the sizes and colors are all pleasing to the eye would be much harder if the pearls had to be collected one by one, and would surely drive the price significantly higher.
Also, I think buying single pearls tends to be more expensive than buying an already put together necklace, so not really cost effective.
Thank you all for your replies! I guess it is better to wait. I just thought it could be fun to collect the pearls, one by one and that it would be possible to get pearls which are exactly 10 mm (of highest quality and really "bright" colours).
If you had somewhere to visit regularly to select a choice pearl or two in person, that plan might be feasible. But if not then you are probably better briefing a seller to do the searching for you. And think about what you mean by highest quality. That could be very expensive. As to colours, a multi necklace still looks better if it has an overall feel - either dark or light for example. It needs to have balance and cohesion
We have quite some costumers who work this way, because we have quite a number of suppliers in a small area here i think its easy for jewelers and consumers to buy from more then one supplier and mix, i have quite some costumers who pick the best out my lots then go to cees and do the same etc etc some of these do this so they can make the ultimate necklace it will always be more expensive this way however you will most likely get the perfection at one point and you don't have to buy it at once so its not that weird of a thought. what we always advise to our costumers is to buy a strand most close and then change some pearls in there so it becomes perfection.
What good advice, DMJ! It's so easy to forget how simple it is to remove and replace a few pearls in a strand to customize it and make it the strand your dreams are made of :)
Buying loose pearls (I am doing it) is NOT cost-effective. If you want to have a nice strand, buy a strand. If you want to have fun, buy loose ones and try to string.

One thing about AAA pearls - when you are buying them, talk to the vendor and specify that they are AAA. Two last strands that I bought from a well-known vendor both had unclean pearls straight in the front. (One was AA+ but that pearl in the front surprised my jeweler).
Buying loose pearls (I am doing it) is NOT cost-effective. If you want to have a nice strand, buy a strand. If you want to have fun stringing (which turned into a funny hobby for me), buy loose ones and try to string. I even buy pre-drilled ones and use spacers in between. They still look fine.

One thing about AAA pearls - when you are buying them, talk to the vendor and specify that they are AAA. Two last strands that I bought from a well-known vendor both had unclean pearls straight in the front. (One was AA+ but that pearl in the front surprised my jeweler).
Its absolutely more expensive to buy them one at a time. I like DMJ''s suggestion to buy a nice strand and then change out the pearls that you think are sub par... or you want a different colour... If you look at a tahitian strand and divide it by the number of pearls and then check out the price of individual pearls you can see the value in a strand. ( of course people do mix grades to keep the costs down, usually putting the poor pearls at the back. Hard to imagine putting them in the front !
A customer inspired strand design can be made but it is always more expensive and costs time
Just another thought for you...if you do wish to buy one at a time, try using an element in-between the pearls, like a gemstone bead or a gold or silver bead. That way you can still wear the pearls while you await the creation of your perfect strand!
You can if you want it. I remember Jeremy made a very special strand of Tahitians. Here it is

I read the blog. I remembered that necklace from Batman movie. Its Bruce Waynes late mums necklace. Catwoman stole the necklace from his safe and wore it! She wore it again at the masquerade ball. He took it back n she got really upset and stole his car hahaha! Still remember those scenes because the pearl necklace really stuck to my head. It is really graduated and looked quite striking! Hummmm I might want one but all in black pearls.