Buying and Selling on eBay

Hi Nerida and all.

I am so glad I came out and I am sure it will show that more and more of us sell as well as buy and on ebay.

Thanks for you praise on our stores too. It does need an element of bravery as you said because PF members are discerning so it was un-nerving to think of what people might think of my and all of our offerings. I for one am an all rounder - well all jewellery but all prices. Which is why I also use Sterling and Vermeil etc. I love working with Gold in my designs and naturally love pearls but I like to offer prices for everyone. Also I will list things I am not in love with myself but everyone is different and people like different styles, stones, pearls etc. I love designing things I love, to my taste but I also design for other people too. I am sure most sellers from all walks and brick shops, online and ebay must do the same.

I have bought a camera on ebay as a back up for my best one, just in case :0 and it is a great little camera, was a good price and loads of software. I have bought clothes on ebay, secondhand :0 hell I never anywhere flash anyway and good quality secondhand clothes are sometimes much better than new so ebay is a good place to buy if not an Opportunity shop and I shop there too for clothes, toys & bedding for my dogs, well all kind of things.

My only gripe with eBay is that is growing so fast and so big that seller support is not there and they don't even bother to answer emails for the most part. I can't list via them and am going thru via Auctiva at the moment. But I do believe that most sellers try to do the right thing. Many make mistake but that is only natural and sometimes we pick up bargains because of it. And I don't mind helping out other sellers and giving advise if they are newbies or even not so new to it.

I don't have a gripe with ebay sellers, only the occasional one and I sort that out myself with the individuals. I hate to give bad feedback and rarely do. Very rarely. I don't fancy my Karma being damaged because of some shonky person. EBay or to be more precise eBay Sellers do get a bad rap for the most part that they DON'T deserve.

Bo - opps, Dawn - better get some work done soon. Will try to upload the photo of necklace that I love. Try that is.

Bo/Dawn - I am so glad you "came out" - I think it takes an element of bravery to display your designs and wares to such a discerning audience as the PGers! As I have said to you before, I think your pieces are just gorgeous, and I think it's fantastic that we know there are more great sellers out there. I use ebay for all sorts of stuff - reading feedback to see that it looks authentic, never buying from unknowns etc. I've bought pearls, my Lindstrom tools, electronics, theatre tickets, on ebay with only 1 kind of bad experience. Even that one wasn't so bad. Cathybear - I already love your website, have visited a few times, but didn't know you sold on ebay as well. Silversea it's good to see your things as well - it's great you have showed your hand too.

Thanks all for letting us see your stores, and for giving ebay a better reputation - I for one think it deserves it!


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Hi All

I have bought a range of items on eBay and even sold about 25 things from my mother in law's estate. I think I'm up to about 79 stars now- over maybe 4 years. that is not much but it is enough to be fairly discerning.

We really do need more alternatives to some of those eBay pearl venders - often from China- that lie, cheat and steal. I hope other eBayers who are honest and willing to let us look at their offerings will also stop lurking and sign up with us. I sure would like to see our "short list" of good pearl sellers on eBay, expand a bit.

People who use other's photos or have any other unscrupulous tricks need not join, because they will be found out very quickly.
Hi Caitlin,

First I must thank you for your kind words on my "coming out", second for putting this into a thread that will be read by many and inform many that there are many honest pearl ebay sellers out here. I do thank you sincerely.

It was hard to come out but I knew I had to do it in respect for myself and my items. That by hiding :) I was downgrading myself and my designs. It also made me feel like a cheat which I am not. Recently I had a customer who had a Cortez mabe necklace fall apart on her. This after her leaving me great feedback - I never asked for photos. I looked her feedback up and found she was a trustworthy buyer and that what she said must have happened. I wanted her to be totally happy with her purchase so after finding out what she wanted, would like. I ended up sending here a new pendant for the necklace & a 14k gold chain for the Cortez to be hung on. Luckily when the MOP backing must have broken she had put her hand up to her beloved pearl and it dropped in her hand.

I did suggest her sending it back for me to fix but she didn't want to and I understood that. When we love something we don't want to part with it, especially half way across the world. I worked for a couple of weeks designing new pendants for her (all 22k gold pearls & rubies), found a suitable chain and sent photos. She approved. I made and sent and she was so very happy and has become one of my best customers.

I figured out that the Cortez pearl with MOP backing must have been drilled too close to the pearl and although, luckily the pearl was not damaged the MOP backing must have cracked for some reason. I don't know because I bought it that way, and never saw a problem or reason to think the drill hole was maybe too close. Actually didn't check on that, never thought to.

But at the time I wasn't even listing auctions again on eBay and it put me back a few dollars for sure, maybe $100 but that is customer service and follow up on items we sell and that is, I believe, what all sellers need to do. I am not saying that all buyers are honest, anymore than I say all sellers are honest but most are. Now, and I guess to a great degree of customer satisfaction follow up on my part, I have gained a wonderful new customer and she has two necklaces instead of one. She loves both and I am very happy too.

We really do need more alternatives to some of those eBay pearl venders - often from China- that lie, cheat and steal. I hope other eBayers who are honest and willing to let us look at their offerings will also stop lurking and sign up with us. I sure would like to see our "short list" of good pearl sellers on eBay, expand a bit.

People who use other's photos or have any other unscrupulous tricks need not join, because they will be found out very quickly.

Often when I have virtually insulted the Chinese sellers I have felt like I might be considered racist, which I am not. But there are far too many Chinese sellers taking advantage of a weak eBay system of control and I totally agree with you. I have received bad feedback twice under my buying name because I have given the cheating Chinese sellers the feedback they deserved. I knew I would be slammed back but I had to do it. Once again for my Karma. Some sellers make honest mistakes, some don't but are willing to rectify the problem but somehow there has to be a way to stop the bad sellers, especially the Chinese sellers from totally ripping off unknowing buyers. Some sellers can come across as very honest and their feedback might even be reasonable or good - for a while - i.e. people want to believe they are buying Tahitian pearls for a wonderful price even though they pay thru the nose for postage. But sooner or later it does catch up with most of them. Just not soon enough to stop these sellers lining their pockets and vendors thinking they are walking around with genuine SS or SS Tahitians on their necks or ears. I have bought Tahitians which turned out to be FW dyed pearls. I don't resell and Tahitians. I state exactly what I believe them to be. But as honest sellers we often suffer because people see Black FW pearls listed for a reasonable price and then compare it to the so called tahitians they can get from China. So as we are honest we can loose badly. But I know this now and try to be very careful. The photos these Chinese sellers list are not the pearls people get, although so many of them don't realise it.

There are many honest ebay sellers, selling pearls on ebay as has been demonstrated in the last few days. What I don't think many people realise many of us have bought from China (Chinese ebay sellers) and been ripped off many times. We DO NOT pass this one. We win it and wear it and list items for what they really are and sometimes take a huge loss. That is the only way to keep our good name and that is all we have. That is the only reason that we can be in the eBay business for years. Our good name is everything.

Truly Caitlin, the short list would not be so short if more of our lurking and existing ebay sellers fessed up to being just that. Many of us fund our love of pearls selling on ebay. Or so I think. Not all of us can be totally highgrade sellers, as we have to balance and cater for all pockets but that does not mean we don't have top grade pearls for sale too.

Bo - Dawn
Bo I would like to thank you for voicing out the problems that professional sellers confront not only on Ebay but in all areas of marketing. Standing behind your products,creations and services 100% makes the diferrence.
Thank you for making such a strong statement!!In addittion to the necklace you posted last for the PGers I love your amethyst- briolette- keshi pearl necklace too.
Wow, what a great thread !
It's like Christmas, opening all these new pearl sites.....
Thanks to Bo and Silversea - your shops are added to my favourites page... Some lovely pieces, kudos to you both.
There are so many good and honest ebay sellers, whose work is made doubly hard by the awful reputation that ebay has as a whole.
I have often thought about suggesting some kind of kudos thread on this forum, as I have had so many good buys from ebay and, in addition to the actual goods purchased, have made new friends too.
My pearl-related purchases have included pearls, beading supplies, tools, books, findings, etc.
I even found this forum through ebay....
Buying on ebay does require some diligent research and asking relevant questions of the sellers, and a little more care than usual.
Power to your elbow, Bodecia and Silversea. :D
Hi akoya,

Thank you very much akoya. Please if you win or buy anything let me know it is you. :)


Bodecia hi,
First I would like to thank Caitlin for taking the effort to post your ebay store. I love all your pcs. They have such flare and sensitivity. I am waiting for my ebay account to be activated so I could make a bit on a couple of your necklaces. Keep up the inspiration.
I want to let everyone know that I intend to make a list of How to Make Searches on eBay for that special something you want - well pearls of course.

Also try to advise Sellers, especially newbies to it all of the best ways to offer your pearls and other jewellery or whatever you sell. Things to do and things not to do. :)

I have been meaning to get to it but am so very busy and need to catch up with some listing of my own so I can buy some more pearls myself :D
and Gold findings for same.

I will try and make up a list of do's and don'ts as soon as I get the time.
I am not an expert but do have some experience on eBay both as a Buyer and a Seller.

I also want to thank everyone for there kind words and praise on my site - dawncee333 - And also for all the praise for other sellers who have recently, on this thread said they too sell. Many of us have looked at the sites and loved what we saw. I still want to find the time to properly look at all that has been said and all the sites properly.

So many things to do and so many sites to see and just not enough time. Also so many emails to answer. I will get to them. ASAP

Thanks All, Bo, Bodecia, Dawn
Hi Jerin,

No, I haven't forgotten my Chinese person. Actually I have done enough work tonight so I might do a search for you now. Searching is fun. You should really learn the ropes. But then again, I forgot you don't speak English - Giggle, giggle. :)

I?ve actually started to sell on eBay myself. No feedback at all so no one have bought from me yet. Have only had my single listing up for a couple of days though, so it?s very much expected. I?m very surprised with how fast I?ve learnt how to make nice things, that I?m actually feeling good enough to sell already. I?ve bought some things from Druzy that I?ll use in future designs, so you can all expect my jewelry to be quite special... I bidded on some baroque tahitians and some golden SS keshi pearls earlier today but got overbid with a few USD, meh.

I?ve already gotten some business actually. Someone asked me to make a pair like in my listing for his daughters birthday. How cool isn?t that?!

(Not sure I?m confident enough to post a link to my listing here yet... It feels like you?re all so professional!)

If all the eBay sellers were like you there would be no problem. I do know that there are ethical sellers on eBay and have both bought and sold many things in many categories myself. I don't think that selling on eBay should, of itself, do anything to a persons esteem. However, people being what they are, when there are so many unethical sellers on eBay, I think that it cannot help but do harm to your business and that of all the other ethical sellers. My problem with eBay is eBay's claim of non-responsibility and their consequent lack of responsibility for policing their site. It is my opinion that they run their site so that 1. It allows unethical persons to easily commit fraud with little chance of consequences; 2. ...that in fact, this manner of running their site actually encourages and perpetuates fraudulent practices and 3. they are profiting greatly from this fraud!!! Since they knowingly, I believe, receive monies from the commission of fraud, I believe they have a responsibility to try to bring it to rein.:mad:

However, to you I say good luck with your enterprises both with and outside of eBay. If you operate as ethically as you are able, then you have nothing to be ashamed of.:)

As for a way to put up a website easily, look up CityMax. If you can use MS Word, you can put up a website with them. (eBay owns CityMax, by the way...:rolleyes:)

Hi Marc
There has just been a judgement from a French court against eBay, holding them responsible for copyright breaches for designer accessories. It is being appealed.

You might also take a look at It is not an auction site at all, and features handmade items. I am trying it out myself.
It is my opinion that they run their site so that 1. It allows unethical persons to easily commit fraud with little chance of consequences; 2. ...that in fact, this manner of running their site actually encourages and perpetuates fraudulent practices and 3. they are profiting greatly from this fraud!!! Since they knowingly, I believe, receive monies from the commission of fraud, I believe they have a responsibility to try to bring it to rein.:mad:

I'm not sure this comment belongs in this forum, but in defence of ebay, I would say categorically that it is not the only venue in which fraud exists. I was selling at a fair last weekend, and my "competition" was selling pearls branded as natural - all CFWP - for several times what any of us would or should be happy to pay - mostly they were dull, eggy and blemished, for several hundred dollars per strand. All with a gemmologist's qualification proudly positioned on the stall. Still fraud? It is in my books! I know it is small scale compared to ebay, but it is still part of a general picture in which the consumer feel they cannot trust vendors...
Hi Marc
There has just been a judgement from a French court against eBay, holding them responsible for copyright breaches for designer accessories. It is being appealed.

Yes thank you, I heard about that!:D I knew there was a good reason that I'm so fond of the French! Maybe if we get an administration in Washington D. C. that doesn't think that regulation is a four letter word we might take a lesson from the French. After all the financial shocks, scandals and outright disasters of the last 7+ years, from the top of the corporate business ladder on down, I think it is time to bring the Era of Rogue Business Practices to a close before we all end up in the poorhouse!:eek:

My problem with eBay is eBay's claim of non-responsibility and their consequent lack of responsibility for policing their site. .:mad:

I don't understand the rancor towards eBay. PayPal protection and feedback is plenty to keep trouble at "bay"... unless one is actively taking risks and buying sketchy goods.
I'm not sure this comment belongs in this forum, but in defence of ebay, I would say categorically that it is not the only venue in which fraud exists. I was selling at a fair last weekend, and my "competition" was selling pearls branded as natural - all CFWP - for several times what any of us would or should be happy to pay - mostly they were dull, eggy and blemished, for several hundred dollars per strand. All with a gemmologist's qualification proudly positioned on the stall. Still fraud? It is in my books! I know it is small scale compared to ebay, but it is still part of a general picture in which the consumer feel they cannot trust vendors...

As you will read in a subsequent post by Nerida, I completely mistook her meaning in the above post!:o I shall edit the following paragraph so that it doesn't point my finger at her at all. She was saying that she wasn't sure that her comment belonged on this thread. ...and actually, I think that it's just fine here. However, I hope that I am not tooting my horn too loudly to say that I think that what I wrote here has merit in a more general sense and shall let the body of it remain. (...with all due regard and my apologies to Nerida.;))


These comments that I made and have made before are not slander in any sense of the word. They are my honest opinions, stated as such and drawn from what I believe is quite solid evidence and long experience. If there is any place where I feel that there is an appropriate forum for the subject of ethics in the pearl business, I believe that it is here on the Pearl Guide Forum. Most, if not all of us that take part in this forum have a stake or interest of some kind in the pearl business and many of the members are among the "movers and shakers" of the pearl business. It is my opinion that, to one degree or another, those who practice unethically do real harm in a number of ways not only to those whom they defraud directly, but to those of us who do business ethically. When one calls out for debate and possible censure what we believe are the unethical practices of others on a public media forum, we are helping in at least our own, small way to fufill the duty of a free press.

Best regards,
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I don't understand the rancor towards eBay. PayPal protection and feedback is plenty to keep trouble at "bay"... unless one is actively taking risks and buying sketchy goods.

I don't believe that this is a matter of rancor. In fact, there are many things that I like and admire about eBay. However, I feel that there is this one area where they fall down on their duty and responsibility. As well, I do not understand how, in good conscience, they can accept what may well be millions of dollars that are the spoils of fraudulent practices. I don't know why so many people fail to take proper precautions nor seek proper redress that is available to them. Nonetheless, it believe it is obvious, if one takes the time and trouble to do some research on the subject, that this is in fact what happens. The fact that persons are vulnerable to unethical practices does not make it OK for other persons, either by design or through slovenly ignorance, to take advantage of them and it is not OK for others, even if they themselves are not committing specific fraudulent acts, to knowingly profit from such unethical practices--especially when it is reasonably within their power to substantially reduce these unethical business practices. I suggest that they find out what portion of their income or at least profits derives from the fraudulent practices by unethical eBay sellers and devote this ill-gotten gain to policing their site.

Hi Marc, sorry, didn't mean that the forum wasn't the right place, I meant the thread wasn't the right place to speak of fraud as practiced by my competitor last weekend (ie, not about buying and selling on ebay specifically).

I am more than happy to personally speak out against fraud and unethical practices wherever they occur - my point was just that ebay is not the only venue where these things happen. Like you, Laurenb and many others, I believe ebay is relatively safe as a user, it is just that it provides an avenue for shonky people to do business in an unethical way, just as some other places do as well - like my fair organizers unwittingly did last weekend.

I certainly haven't got any negative thoughts about your ebay comments at all - sorry if I implied that I did.