Buying and Selling on eBay

I hope you won't sell the box! It will only be used to dupe some other buyer who will think they are buying Mikimoto just because of the box.
I promise. Cheating really makes me grrr. I used to keep my two meager strands on a pill bottle, but, since discovering your forum, I found out that I could be damaging them by not laying them flat, so I now use the box. :-)
Good for you. The only way to change things is to make it right. Work hard with ethical values and strive for perfect 100% reviews. I am glad you disclosed it.
Hi, are we allowed to share our own ebay links? I'm trying sell my Pearl Paradise Hanadama Akoya Pearl Necklace. I wasn't sure if this was against the rules to share.
Hi, are we allowed to share our own ebay links? I'm trying sell my Pearl Paradise Hanadama Akoya Pearl Necklace. I wasn't sure if this was against the rules to share.
No selling on this site. Sorry!
Hi, are we allowed to share our own ebay links? I'm trying sell my Pearl Paradise Hanadama Akoya Pearl Necklace. I wasn't sure if this was against the rules to share.
No selling on Pearl Guide. I think you can post links or mention pearls for sale on the pearl forum that's on the Pricescope website. It's been awhile since I've been on that site, so you'll have to check their current rules. I do know that you cannot sell your items on Pricescope, but you can point people to Diamond Bistro, or Loupe Troup, or eBay, or wherever you have your pearls listed. But you cannot do that here on Pearl Guide.
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No selling on Pearl Guide. I think you can post links or mention pearls for sale on the pearl forum that's on the Pricescope website. It's been awhile since I've been on that site, so you'll have to check their current rules.
Actually not there either, but you can post a link to your sale listings on the forum on Pricescope that is called "Preloved PS Jewels". That forum is only visible to Pricescope members, and only if they are logged in, but here is the link:

Note: there is no way to sell directly on Pricescope, either, since they have no private messaging capability.

You could try listing the pearls on Loupe Troop also.