Burmese Golden Pearl

Now I just need to see Silver and Bronze :-)
As I spend around 6 months of the year in Bangkok I see Golden South Sea cultured pearls from Myanmar quite often. Their prices, same as the prices of gem stones from Myanmar have gone up considerably since the country opened up. Prices of Myanmar pearls are about 30 percent higher than Jewelmer pearls. Last week I saw golden pearls from a pearl farm in Manado in Sulawesi, Indonesia and those were also some of the most beautiful I have seen. No greenish but pinkish rose overtones.
Now I just need to see Silver and Bronze :-)

Here's a silver for you BPD from Pearl Paradise from the spring of 2010.
I think the Fiji pearls we've been seeing could provide some bronze!
This picture doesn't show the pink and Aqua overtones on this strand.

Can someone tell me approximately how many carats a round 10mm pearl would be? Every so often I see pearls priced in carats but I have no idea since I've always purchased by the strand or individual pearls.

Can someone tell me approximately how many carats a round 10mm pearl would be? Every so often I see pearls priced in carats but I have no idea since I've always purchased by the strand or individual pearls.

I carat (ct) = 0.2 g = 0.007 oz av = 4 p grains = 0.053 momme . A 7.5 millimeter cultured pearl will weigh about 3 carats, or 3/5 gram.

Here is a site that has a detailed chart for your reference:

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Katbran, thank you for posting that chart!

The chart shows that small differences in size make a big difference in weight! I'm going to add a link to that chart to my thread about pearl volume.
Hi All,

Recently i went to Singapore Jewellery Fair and saw some Burmese Golden Pearls. Are they considered as South Sea Pearls? They come in various sizes as well and as big as 15mm. They are sold in price per carats. About 10mm sold for about USD14/carat and bigger about 11mm sold for about USD18/carat. What you guys think based on experience?

Thanks & Regards
JUStin :)

I am so new at this, and using carat for pearls is confusing for me. So how much would you estimate then for a single pearl to go for? They look beautiful!
Thank you and you are most welcome PD and Amti - I was glad that the question came up since for some reason I'd never bothered to check for such a chart I had a basic measurement that had been posted at PGF years ago for a 7.5mm one but never found a chart that broke it all down. For the most part the majority of us don't really need a conversion as the Chinese pearls we buy are sold in mm . But it does pop up every now and then so it's handy to be able to look it up.