Blue Necklace Complete

So happy for you, Cathy. I love everything about that amazing necklace!
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Thank You so much, dear Marianne ... hope to show it to you this summer :)
What a very special and lovely piece you've created, Cathy! Worth the wait. Your design is inspirational for me. I've been wondering what to do with my engagement diamond, since I don't wear my engagement and wedding rings any more (for those of you newer to the forum, due to Widowhood, not divorce).

Cathy, wear your piece in good health. I look forward to seeing it in person this summer!
Oh BAS how sweet of a wish; thank you ever so much. I too hope to see you this summer! John asked me what to do with my setting, and returned it to me. I have heard of people having the metals melted down and added into a new piece, taking their beloved along. Walter got my newer ring when we accompanied my cousin on a cruise after she was widowed. A kind jeweler helped her reset her diamond into a new, beautiful "less bridal" ring, and when she discovered she wasn't quite ready to give up the wedding band yet, figured out a clever way to solder the pieces to make one lovely ring she wears to this day. She was so wanting to make that step forward yet so afraid, and the tipping point when my hero Walter suggested getting me a new ring as well so we could do this together ... special memories. This new blue necklace reminds me greatly of your beautiful Y necklace :)
Thank you Parrot Lady ... wonder if I need an elegant top to go with now he he he ... ?

Suchi; the colors on the bigger pearl are striking in person. It's the deepest blue I've ever seen. The pearls and piece are delicate and not large, but the colors lend it more presence ... Thank You!
Wow! Those pearls! What a beautiful design and wonderful re-use of your engagement diamond.
Oh wow wow and wow!
What a special and beautiful piece, love the engagement diamond in the middle, and the pearls of course.
Oh Cathy, so inspirational! I love love love love love love love love love the pearls AND the design! It hits all the bells! Rose gold - perfection! LOVE
Thank you for the kind words, SydK and Happy Hoku ... it does make me happy to reuse my diamond :)

MSC ... It HAD to be Rose Gold LOL ... yellow is more complementary to my skin tone I think, but those pearls demanded ROSE, and everyone else who saw them agreed. Look forward to pearl "show and tell" !
Love this necklace Cathy. I like you added your engagement diamond to the piece. I can't wait to see it in person,
Wow Cathy! That has to be one of my favorite pieces! I just love how the rose gold accents the pearls and diamonds.
Stunning Cathy! It is absolutely gorgeous and I love the sentiment of using your original engagement diamond. The pearls are truly special, but the design really is fabulous. Congratulations!
What a special little piece with a big impact! It’s beautiful! :p And I love the rose gold, too!
Lilliefuzzysocks, Thank You; I’d love to share it with you too!

JerseyPearl, Thanks! A sentimental reminder of simpler times.

Amti, Oh Thank you so much … the combination just lined itself, with the big pearl driving the bus!

Thank You so much, lisa c … PA needs more pearls!

Jeg, it is a very delicate little piece. John was so good to source the rose gold; not always easy. Thanks!
To me, the choice of rose gold with those pearls is perfect and you can always wear the necklace with a top that does not expose your skin if you are concerned about your skin color clashing with the gold. Anyway, nothing could have set off the striking color of those pearls better than rose gold and simple small diamonds. Bravo!