Blue grey akoyas are my latest obsession. Allow me to share.
In my collection of blue grey akoyas, soem are undyed and others are dyed. I guess what I have learnt is to inspect carefully for evidence of dye especially if you have paid for au naturel blue greys. Here are my observations:
(1) The 6-8mm rounds are an 'earl grey creme' colour that I bought from a jeweller going out of business on Collins Street in Melbourne 7-8 years ago. Then I was still into petite and round pearls, and though i could scarcely tell a faux pearl from a freshwater, something told me to buy them. These appear undyed.
(2) The baroques 8-11mm in the pictures were collected over the years; I have inspected the strands and they mostly appear undyed. Having said that, when I cut the strands or pulled the necklaces apart, I realised that 10-20% of the pearls have tell-tale signs of dye (drillhole, dye in nacre folds) though the vendors swear on them being undyed. Any such experiences too?
(3) Some dye jobs are so appalling it screams "Dye!" without the help of a loupe. Such was the mysterious spotted strand I had asked about in an earlier post in this same thread. Obviously dyed and not a great job at that but, strangely, some customers loved it?!? Go figure.
Happy to hear or see what others have or know about such pearls!