Blemishes and irregularities


New Member
Aug 21, 2012
Hello, I am a new member, pearl lover, and hope to learn much from this Guide. :-) I have a very small collection of low-end but carefully selected pearl jewelry that I love as though they cost thousands of dollars.

One of my questions concerns all the pearls that I would describe as "blemished" or irregular now on the market, such as rosebud pearls, proprietary brands of pearls with mottled skins, extreme baroque shapes, etc.

Is this a case of the emperor's new clothes, or are these blotchy, misshapen pearls, which I would imagine at one time were crushed or discarded, considered bona fide pearl beauties? Some of the smooth baroque necklaces appeal to me, but I would hate to invest in one and have knowledgeable pearl watchers snickering behind my back! :-) Thanks! PF
Welcome PF,

This pearl watcher and pearl lover would never snicker about about irregular or baroque pearls. They are far and away my over all favorites, and when talking South Sea baroques or keshi, can cost plenty!

There are many kinds of cultured freshwaters, relatively inexpensive that are gorgeous and interesting with great luster (a most important factor, IMHO).

Not certain what you mean about "proprietary brands of pearls with mottled skins"?
I really don't think it matters what anybody else thinks, if you like them then wear them proudly. I'd rather see a low end blemished real pearl then a perfect imitation any day.
I have some perfect pearls now, but my first favorite strand was a dyed blue/black freshwater choker with all kinds of pits and divots, but great luster. I still wear it proudly in spite of my collection of more expensive pearls because I love, love, love it!
I saw the most stunning, glorious baroque south sea pearl pendant in Greenwich last week. It was a good 30 mm long (I just looked at my ruler) and the rainbow of colors coming off it was just mesmerizing.

I would happily buy that one pearl, rather than an entire strand of round white pearls-- if I could afford it. No, I didn't ask the price. Everything in that store is beyond my budget! (Steven Fox Jewelry, on Lewis Street, in case anyone wants to go see it!)
Like Pattye, I adore the weird and odd shaped pearls and for baroques, BRING THEM ON. My own personal quirk is I dont do circled pearls. Plusses of baroques: cheaper than rounds and interesting. Minuses: A matching pair for earrings is hard to find.

Please enjoy your pearls on any budget. Simple cheap strands I had bought earlier in my youth (and of lesser quality since I didnt have a benefit of a PG education) have now been reworked into other things like earrings. And even as I get more discerning as I grow older, I never knock the cheap pearls. They are still lovely to me!