Big Honking Pearls

Fiona the necklaces are stunning. I missed the Giants coz of time difference. So I know what you mean that you got lucky. I think its fate. Enjoy them.
Fiona ... beautiful necklaces !! I do love the big pearls.. and those white ones... wonderful. They were all gone, except one, by the time I looked at the sale! That 15 hr time difference is a killer lol

Yes, for sure! I reckon you and I missed each other by minutes - I'm in Melbourne. I logged on to see two strands left, I hotfooted it to checkout with one and the other went quite quickly after that.
Very nice BN, do you like your new strand?

Thanks for asking : )

It's interesting how we all differ. Some people know right away whether they love their pearls and for others it's a slow slide. I usually have to get to know mine and when it hits me, I think "Wow! How could I have not seen this right away? They're gorgeous!"
Fiona, your white baroques are gorgeous on you! The color really suits you and I love the ripple pearls (actually all of your pearls!).

I hope others post their big honking pearls, too!
Fiona, you have a beautiful collection! The white giants and multi-color monsters both look fabulous on you! It is helpful to see your white Edisons and SS pearls next to each other.

I hope to have my own white giants in hand soon.
Mine just arrived. Here are a couple of photos. I don't have time for neck shots right now, but I will try later today or tomorrow. They are lovely. Very clean and pleasing shapes, and beautiful luster. I didn't expect them to be so lustrous at that size.
Wow Tucs that is a beautiful strand. What's the mm size? Can't wait to see it on you.

Mine has been shipped so I should have it on Friday ;)
Thanks Tucs. Your pictures look better than the ones on the web site. I think you really scored ;)
Tucs I've been looking forward to seeing your pearls-- they're lovely! I can't wait to see the neck shots!
Thanks Newberry, Sunseeker, Baby Nurse, BWeaves and JP. Here's a neck shot. I am petite, but I don't think they're too big on me at all! IMG_4465.jpg
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