Big gssp dilema!!!

No I'm still waiting for them to be posted out hopefully today!!! I went for the fastest shipping available...cannot wait is an understatement. I'm trying really hard to just not think about it...hard when I auto type pearl paradise as soon as I pick up my phone to browse anything!
Ugh. Just learned it won't get posted out today, but tomorrow (I hope)!! Waiting is torture.

It's here! Please excuse the rubbish picture, I was in my pj's, used my phone camera, had shaky hands with excitement and it's a dark and grey day here in London!

I'll upload some more later in the week but I wanted to show everyone the colour! I'm so in love...


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That is a gorgeous gold SS pearl ring, moonpie!
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to more pictures, especially on your finger.

Wear your new ring in health and happiness!
That is SO pretty. Does it live up to what you had hoped?

- Karin
It really does! That's a completely rubbish picture in terms of sharpness - the pearl has excellent luster I can see all the finer details of my face in it! The diamonds either side sparkle like crazy in the light and the colour! I love the deepness of the colour! In real, it's got a bronzy - ness to it that really adds to the richness.
Thank you everyone. If it wasn't for you all allying my apprehensions about ordering abroad and giving me your personal experiences with vendors and of course informing and enlightening me about customs and duty etc (which was a breeze btw) I wouldn't have this ring!

Not only is the ring perfect I'm still so pleased by the service I got at PP. Even now every time I think about it it makes me smile because it was such a smooth and pleasant journey from start to finish. (The waiting for it to arrive drove me crazy but there wasn't much PP could do about that)!

I look forward to many more years of conducting business with PP, it was such a joy.
Wow, what a stunner! I can't wait to see more photos, especially hand shots.
moonpie, your new ring is just stunning! I'm so glad, with the help of all the wonderful people here, you were able to find just what your heart wanted. You know you're working with a great company when just thinking about them brings you a smile :)
A beautiful ring, I am so happy for you.
With the anguish of a sick baby to look after, you deserve every minute of joy your pearl gives you.

PS Don't forget a few more photos for us please!