Beautiful pearl from a Victorian stick pin


New Member
May 11, 2022
Hello all!

I have this orange / peach color pearl from a Victorian stick pin I acquired at a garage sale. I’ve seen a lot of pearls but this one almost looks translucent, it’s scratchy against the tooth like a normal pearl, but the color and iridescence have me wondering if it’s some kind of pearl I’ve never seen before. I took it out of the pin due to the pin causing discoloration / reaction on the pearl. Thanks for looking and any insight!
An interesting find!
I feel like I don't know what I am looking it a translucent pearl? Is it an imitation pearl?
I feel quite unsure! Would love to have it in my hands!
I agree! It looks golden / orange, it’s gritty against the tooth, yet has glass like shine, it’s very old, a mystery !
It doesn't shine like a pearl. It looks more like glass or stone, especially in the solo photos showing the light reflection clearly.
Exactly that is why it's such a mystery. It looks like a glass bead of sorts, yet the shape reminds me of a pearl.
There are these odd Pen shell pearls that look a bit like this...
I don't know I would really have to see it up close & personal.
Do you have a UV lamp???
Well, if it is a pearl it should fluoresce. I would say in blue.
Just place it on a dark background (cloth) and shine the lamp on it. See how it reacts. If you have a pearl (white one) place it next to this one. The comparison will help.
If it does not fluoresce...not a nacreous pearl, but it could be another kind (clam) or an imitation.
Many other examinations can be done..does it have a drill hole? I did not see any.
But the more I see the item, the more I have to agree with jshepherd
I'm thinking that the groove I see on the item was caused by the jewelry setting, not an actual "ring" as seen on pearls.
If it is glass, would it still feel gritty when rubbed against my tooth? It feels exactly the same as my other pearls, so odd!
If it's old, it probably isn't a smooth stone. The photo in your hand does look like it could be a pearl, but the other reflective photos show something that isn't. You see clear surface reflection but no depth or diffraction. An old pearl would have a diffused reflection, not a glass-like reflection.

Here is an example of an old pearl ring.

The second photo is a pretty classic example of what real natural pearl look like.
