Barqoue South Seas versus nucleated Freshwater


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Hello PG Friends
I should have posted in e-bay questions, but this is not an ebay advice for buying.
Let's look at this :

I have always been thinking SS should be compared to the best white FW and not so sure the SS would win .
Anyway, this sale looks like FW claiming for being SS?
Am I wrong? Are they nucleated FW with those tails?
Thanks for advising.
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I think that you are spot on Ana. Certainly look like bead nucleated FW to me..... and not very nice quality either.
Thanks Marianne,
What makes you say it is not very nice quality either? How is the nice quality in flameball FW ?
He is also claiming his golden SS (amazingly golden by the way) to be from Australia...
Ana, the flameballs he is offering as SS seem to be quite rough and lack luster. IMHO :)
The flameballs that Sarah and John Tu offer have been very smooth with beautiful, often metallic luster.

My opinion is they are Freshwater nucealted pearls. But I see nothing wrong with the quality. They look good for what they are. Just being misrepresented as SS pearls. So many sellers, especially from China, do this. The photos are not good though so it you are thinking of buying ask for a close up, macre photo, cropped but not sized down. The photos look as of they have been enhanced but still, look through that and they look good if you can pick them up for a reasonable price. You should be able to make a profit on them. Look good to me, just not SS. Chinese sellers call everthing SS pearls whereas if they were honest they would sell a lot more. Go for them. The price so far is very cheap and worth a bid for sure. Still worth far more than the starting price and I think you could pick up bargain in beautiful FW pearls.

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 and natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover
I have to go against the grain on this one. The piece in the photos doesn't look like a freshwater strand, itl ooks like a free-form South Sea strand. The price (unless there is a reserve or something) isn't possible for South Sea, but the photo definitely looks like a South Sea strand.
I have checked the pictures many times but couldn't decide whether it's baroque SS or FW. My first guess was also baroque SS, due to some of the shapes, silvery color, and the sizes (nowadays flameballs are usually bigger, no?). But the opening price really gave me doubt of the authenticity.... I hope the winner is someone from PG, and can make report here when she/he has it.
There is a reserve on the strand. My french is rather limited but knowing your eBay helps :)

- Karin
It actually looks like baroque SSP to me, the "tails" are different from the fireball's a picture of some silver baroque SSPs with tails. To me the SSP baroque have finer tails compared to the FW fireballs. The fireball tails have a rougher look to them in my opinion. But the price certainly is impossible for it to be SSP, so the photo most probably does not reflect the actual strand!


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There is a reserve on the strand. My french is rather limited but knowing your eBay helps :)

- Karin

With a reserve price it would make sense. I'm looking at the strand on my bigger office computer screen today and the photo is of a South Sea strand, not a freshwater strand.
With a reserve price it would make sense. I'm looking at the strand on my bigger office computer screen today and the photo is of a South Sea strand, not a freshwater strand.

I obviously do not buy on ebay enough to even know what a reserve price is! and yes, definitely SSP.
I obviously do not buy on ebay enough to even know what a reserve price is! and yes, definitely SSP.

:) A reserve price means that though it looks like it'll be a steal, the item will only be sold if the bidding moves above a certain, not-adverticed limit. The idea is to encourage people to bid and keep bidding where they might not if they knew how much they had to bid to have an actual chance to buy it.

- Karin
:) A reserve price means that though it looks like it'll be a steal, the item will only be sold if the bidding moves above a certain, not-adverticed limit. The idea is to encourage people to bid and keep bidding where they might not if they knew how much they had to bid to have an actual chance to buy it.

- Karin

Interesting! Thanks for that information, Karin :)
Es store has been selling on ebay for a long time, and does not hide address etc details. I think it is a SSP strand, albeit an ugly one.
Will be interesting to see if it makes the reserve
Es store has been selling on ebay for a long time, and does not hide address etc details. I think it is a SSP strand, albeit an ugly one.
Will be interesting to see if it makes the reserve

No such thing as ugly pearl, right? :-D I'm watching it. Will post here when it's done.

- Karin
I don't think the strand is ugly at all...that is what SSP baroques look like, there are even bigger ones out there, around 19 or 20mm, and they look like popcorn chicken nuggets from KFC! The nice thing about SSP baroques of those sizes is the really thick nacre. The odd shapes could make for very interesting pieces of jewellery as well!