Baroque Tahitians?


Jul 15, 2017
Is it wrong that the circle and drop tahitian pearls are more to my liking than the round ones? I love the colors in the circle pearls. I don't know if it is because I'm new to Ts and haven't refined my tastes or what. Can anyone relate?
Totally! I love baroques and circles, not only in Tahitians.

There is no right and wrong in pearls-- wear what you love!
I think circled and baroque T's have much more interesting colors than the perfectly round ones. It's not wrong at all. I like them better, too.
I adore Circle, drop tahitians too! Go Broke with Baroque!
TXPearlLV, I completely agree! I've discovered that baroques, drops, and circles are just more appealing to me. Maybe because the colors look more intense? I also prefer these shapes as they appear less "formal" and therefore more suited to my casual, everyday style. If you can call it "a style"!
I'm with you TXPearlLV - I have a few key pieces with rounds but it's the baroques, circles and drops that really get me excited. I love their quirky nature and coming across those special weird ones. Luckily they're on the "cheaper" side ;-)
It is never wrong to prefer what you prefer. There is no "right" taste. I prefer my spinels with more silk than ideal, my cars smaller and cheaper, my sapphires lighter, my tea weaker and so on. Guess what? That is what appeals to me most and make me happier.

Embrace the cool shapes, beautiful colours and quirkness of your Tahitians. They are my favourite as well. And if your taste changes in time, that is cool as well.
I loveeee baroque pearls! Not just in tahitian but also in Southsea and freshwater! I lovee drops as well! Rounds I like it but its so..regular..I mean normal looking. But Circled uuhmnnn...dont be angry at me but....I dont like it. I almost have noooo circled pearls in my collection.
This will probably sound weird, but I'm finding that I prefer baroque pearls as I get older because they look real, and really good perfectly round ones look fake. I'm still amazed at the people who think my most expensive strand of pearls (the natural white Hanadama rope) are fake because they look too good compared to the other pearls I'm wearing.
I LOVE any "not round" pearls best ... rings and circles, rosebuds, "aliens", penguins, keshi of course LOL. The play of light, colors and luster gets me every time!

Lady_Disdain, we respectfully and heartly disagree ... fabulous you ARE :)
About fabulous, I have found this one (just photo, on the net :))
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I'm so glad I'm not alone. I think I'm just too casual for the fancy round ones. I just adore the funky shapes and colors of the circles. The drops are as close as I think I'll ever get to round. But they are all lovely.