Back from Hong Kong


New Member
Aug 12, 2007
I can?t believe it?s been a month since I returned from Hong Kong for my first pearl buy. While in HK I attended the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show at the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. Unlike the Tucson show, all the freshwater pearl vendors were located in one area. There were approximately 200 vendors. The experience was overwhelming, exhausting and absolutely fantastic!

I didn?t buy much at the show; instead I did most of my business at the vendors? offices. I bought a great deal from Shanxiahu Pearl Company. Their top quality, round pearls were excellent i.e. AA+ to AAA. They also had matching high prices to go with their high quality pearls. Here are some examples of their asking prices per kilo:
7.5-8mm white, round $2700 USD
8-8.5mm white, round $3500 USD
8-8.5mm lavender, round $1450 USD
9-9.5mm white, round $5700 USD

Somewhere in an old post someone described HK prices as semi-wholesale. I think that description is entirely accurate. HK was a great place for my first buy; my next one will be in Zhuji. I'm already making plans.

Hi Serenity,

Good to hear from you! Looking forward to photos too!

so many pearls, so little time
yeah I was there too. I didn't buy much. Sure was a lot of brown pearls this time.
Hi Patty!

Unfortunately, photography was not allowed at the show. Not unexpected though. I would love to have taken pictures because it really was an impressive sight. <huge understatement>


Yes, lots and lots of brown pearls. Chocolate is still very hot. I noticed a premium on brown pearl prices as compared to other dyed pearls.
