ATTACK-how to use?


Pearl Scholar
Dec 26, 2005
Just got a can of ATTACK to separate sections of a 22k clasp with tie bars so it can be used again. LOTS of cautions! I was planning to take the can outside, carefully open and pour a little into a small glass jar, insert clasp, close lid. Do I really need a special protective mask to do this?
I don't use any protective mask. I've soaked pearls and findings overnight in both plastic container and glass jar, then closed the lid. Be careful when you open the lid. Keep your face as far away from the container as possible. The fume is awful even a foot away.
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Make sure that you are in a well ventilated space when using it as well.
I am picturing Pattye outside in Oregon (well ventilated) in a HazMat suit :)
After both, 20 years as a respiratory therapist, and a also having degree in construction technology, I tend to err on the side of caution. If the directions say use a mask, I don't open it until I have a mask on.
Bottom line, if it's toxic you shouldn't know what it smells like. If you can smell it, you're too close. And there are two ways to find out if you have been too close.
1) You inhale a big breath by accident (or design) and end up in the E.D.
2) You are careful but not careful enough and 20 years from now you have respiratoy problems and can't figure out why.
If you are not now and have never been a smoker, you probably won't have any trouble just being cautious.
This never makes me popular but it is frequently the combination of smoking and any other exposure that causes problems down the line so if you don't smoke you're probably okay.
If the can says, use a mask, there's a reason for the warning.


First of all what is Attack and where does one buy it. Please do tell and where I could buy it from. Hubby Barry can handle these things better than I can, although I would truly try to get him to wear a mask. But he has had to walk through Acid overflows and other horrors although I am sure it will catch up with him. I won't go anywhere near any of them.

Second. I agree with barbie biggs totally. Don't take chances with nasty stuff. I am allergic to all kinds of airborne agents, from fly spray to perfumes etc. I am also asthmatic but haven't always been. These things catch up on you. Admittedly I have always had Eczema and the two go together but Asthma only hit me when I was around 40 years young. :)

I really try to avoid anything like this, any sprays and even plug in fragrences. I don't like dog or cat poop and such but they won't kill me, sprays might.

eBay ID dawncee333
Thanks Jeremy,

On second thought I doubt such a substance could be sent via post to Australia. Dangerous goods act etc. I will have to find something like it here in Australia.

eBay Seller ID dawncee333
Even within the US, ATTACK must be shipped by ground.

I am trying the boiling water method first, in hopes that will work. If not, will proceed with extreme caution using the ATTACK.

Dawn, ATTACK is to "dissolve cured epoxy and polyester resins." It contains methylene chloride.
Thanks Pattye,

That will help in finding it.

Much appreciated.

eBay Seller ID dawncee333
I am picturing Pattye outside in Oregon (well ventilated) in a HazMat suit :)

Perhaps we should reserve the HAZMAT suit for you. :D I'm sorry to hear you have adult asthma though. One of the nice things about pearls is that unless you are drilling them, they don't often smell much.;)

Funny you should mention eczema, my husband had it as a child and now if he is near any kind of mold, he wheezes. He didn't know he had asthma until I told his doctor about these things and they put two and two together. He uses a mask for toxic things now and I haven't heard him wheeze in years. It is worth the inconvenience.

Success at last! Took 4 days of soaking in the ATTACK; this was one well glued clasp! Here are some photos: first, before putting in a small glass jar, using protective gloves and working outside.



Interesting how well the pieces fit together in the last photo, with a crossed tie bar, and notched cap and grooves on the granulated part to be glued and then twisted in place. Quite amazing workmanship!