Are these real?


New Member
Aug 8, 2019
These were my grandmothers . wondering fi they are real. They are heavy and haven't been worn in over 40 years. Im getting married next month and want to wear them, Before I go spending money on having them restrung and cleaned, I want to int if its worth it. IMG_3085.jpgIMG_3086.jpgIMG_3087.jpg
Sorry to say but they really look like imitation pearls to me.

They are extremely uniform in shape, size and color, and very shiny. The clasp looks like the sort one sees on imitation strands.

Listen, I got married wearing imitation pearls. If these are sentimental to you (and it seems they are) there is no reason you can't wear them! It would not be hard to restring them yourself, either. We have tutorials for that on the Lowly Beaders Club.

But if you really want to wear genuine pearls, those can also be bought for not a lot of money now that freshwater pearls from China are so very nearly round.
I just want to add that there is an easy test called the "tooth test" that you can do if you are still unsure.

Real pearls will feel a bit gritty if rubbed (gently!) against the edge of your front tooth, or against each other. Imitation pearls will glide easily without resistance (unless they are very grimy).

If you have access to a loupe (a 10x magnifier such as jewelers use) you can examine the surface of the pearl. Real nacre looks very smooth at 10x magnification, while imitation pearl coating will look coarse. If you are not sure, you can compare what the surface looks like with pearls you know to be fake, or pearls you know to be real.
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I think it’s always worth it to preserve something that has sentiment for you. They look like very nice imitation pearls and it would be a lovely tribute to your grandmother to wear them on your wedding day. Restringing isn’t difficult, but if you don’t have the time to learn at this hectic time of your life, it isn’t terribly expensive to have someone restring them. Just call around for the best price. They usually charge by the inch.
I agree. They are imitation pearls. The color, surface texture, lack of overtones, and the build up around the drill holes, plus the clasp all point to imitation pearls. I have some from my grandmother that I cherish even though they are imitations. Wear them and remember your grandmother. And yes, get them cleaned up and restrung.