Are these real rare high grade black pearls?


New Member
Jul 10, 2024
So I went thrifting always get $20 bags of mystery jewelry different thrift stores&I was checking out my boots this haul and pulled these out of what was mostly garbage and heavy oh was seriously attention getting&rubbed them against my teeth absolutely gritty very much so,lost none luster or color no sight of any type of damage on any of them&luster is memorizing as the relection in black k but green hue you see yourself and I found no jeweler can test them.around here HELP ME PLEASE MUST KNOW!


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Really I am able note when taken to diamond gallery in greenville sc and whe John HEAD of J.AHead Jewelers looked at them he was absolutely certain these weren't just beads he didn't have means teat them but said they weren't just beads I know my photo skills aren't greatest but really am curious if anyone anywhere I can take and let see them.1st hand bc John head says need be checked thoroughly well I trust largest diamond dealer in state immediately. Sorry it's just I do and still thank you for your opinion why came in here asked so I'd have more my own 1 person's opinion whomever tests them will have full scale of possibilities ice been told go from.thank you alot.
I agree with @jshepherd
Those look like Hematite beads to me...and if they are not hematite, then maybe glass...but NOT pearls at all.
They look like Swarovski glass "black pearls". In quotes, because they're glass, and not real pearls. I had some once, before I learned what real pearls looked like.
I found the easiest way to "test" pearls is to gently rub 2 pearls from the strand together, if they feel a little like sand paper, they are pearls, if super smooth = something else. The amount of sand paper feel with vary, but never smooth and slick.