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The video is good. I forgot about it. I hold the thread a little bit different and make a much larger loop to pull through. I think you have enough to go on and I might try the video anyway, as DH is on the trip.

BTW I like Wendy's video enough to recommend it and I have before because it is an excellent video -and if having the tools is part of your idea of the way to do it, (it is so archetypical- Wendy in a little English cottage and old old table; it's out of a fairy tale setting) I tried that way a few times eons ago, but prefer the no tool method. You can actually lean back on a couch and watch tv as you knot without tools; so you don't have to sit at a table.
The video was great! I am very glad to read that there isn't a "right" way to string pearls. Each day I get closer to taking the plunge -- but the plunge isn't within sight yet...
Second attempt tonight

Second attempt tonight

Wow - well I've had a look at and tried a few different ways of knotting. And it's been pretty funny actually, at what I've produced. What I've found - I am naturally gravitating to no tool. And my hands want to knot the way Caitlin describes, with loop, finger on top of pearl pearl, slide down loose knot to top of pearl and then tighten and seat by separating threads.

My results are ... Well, no-one would ever pay me to knot right now!

I just could not work out the looping and what needed to go what way. So, I went to the tweezers and tried that way, with much better results. I've only stopped because my thread got too short to loop.

So, thought I'd post some examples of tonight's follies, for education, inspiration to keep trying! and I'm sure, a lot of amusement!

The practice strand. I started using tweezers at Pearl 8.


The first 7 pearls, using fingers only.

FD Worn 002

Second half of the strand, using tweezers. Not good between Pearls 3 and 4 and the knots aren't great looking, but everything is tight and pretty solid.

FD Worn 003

I'm not sure I like the Powerpro knots though. It was 20lb doubled and seemed a bit small looking to me. I'm probably pulling a bit too tight? Or try 30lb? Don't have any here, will have to get some.

Hard to see the knots themselves, but you can see the gaps haha :)

And the picture that made all the difference, when I just started to get it. From Pearl Dreams' knotting tutorial.

FD Worn 001
Pulling tight is good! If you don't pull tight, gaps will form later.

You could try seeing if 30# fits the drill holes (passing through twice when doubled) if you prefer a larger looking knot. 30# is not so very much thicker than 20#.

Also, your pearls are dark enough that they might look better with the moss green.
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One thing about P-pro is, it makes tiny, tight knots.

I made a video yesterday showing how I knot. Now I have to upload it to your tube, so I decided to do it over, because I change hands for a minute when the strand get longer.

You must pull the threads apart and seat the knot tightly, before moving on. I seat the knot and then tug the length to make sure there are no kinks which will cause a gap later.
I'm just starting to get the feel of how Powerpro works, and how I work with it! Those big practice pearls weren't working for me, so I've gone small with a strand I'm about halfway through. I have realised that I was being too timid with the Powerpro, and not seating them properly. The Powerpro can handle a big tug, if you know what I mean. However, I've just got a tiny little mysterious knot halfway up near the needle, and having a break while I work out what to do ... :)
Patience patience patience and gentle picking and knot widened and gone! This stuff is really good.

The knots are around the pearls only.

Those are good tight knots! Yes, the Power Pro can take the tugging without breaking.
Thanks GemGeek! The colours are sweet. No gaps, I'm so happy. And grateful for fantastic advice and support. The necklace (looks better as a bracelet) is 24 inches and I knotted with hands only for the last third of the strand. Woo hoo! I'll keep practising :)
Wonderful job and beautiful colors. Just be careful when you wear a pearl bracelet while driving...... can be very distracting :)
Haha Marianne! I can relate to that :) .... Also had issues typing at work yesterday :o