Anyone bought from pearllunar?

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These are some of my latest order from pearllunar, which arrived today.
I'm delighted with everything - the pearl sizes appear to be as described on the ebay page; I've not measured the pearls, but all seem to be the sizes stated. I'm certainly very pleased with them all.
The lustre is fabulous.


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More pics. of the same order.


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Sueki, they're beautiful. Would you mind telling me what sizes they are please?

I'm slightly fixated about sizes. Whenever I order pearls I normally get at least half a mm less, which is visually quite a lot. This seems to be more or less across the board, aside from Pearl Paradise and one e-Bay seller who actually measures his pearls exactly. Just curious about where Perlluna lie in your experience. I haven't ordered from them, but their stock does look lovely. I do like your pearls.
These are some of my latest order from pearllunar, which arrived today.

Some? Do they have any left? :) Wow! You are going to be busy for a very long time! They are gorgeous!
Hello Knottess,
:D Well, you guys did warn that this beading lark just keeps on growing....
I'm sure they have tons of pearls left, so don't panic.

PG - I'll measure them tomorrow and get back to you. These pearls are nicer than those I was looking at last week in a high street jeweller, although these are not round, and the jeweller's pearls looked to be round.
This is one of the items: 280139580768
And another: 270165140227

The colours are exactly as the ebay photos.
The sizes look right, but I'll measure accurately and let you know.
I prefer lustre over roundness also! Quite a "pile of loot!"

so many pearls, so little time
Nice haul, Sueki! The Knottess is right, those will keep you busy for a while. ;)

I wonder if they changed their sizing away from the smaller Chinese sizing....? Whatever the size, I have lots of terrific pearls from them. The only problem is that you pretty much have to make a big purchase to bring down the shipping cost...
Busy for a while, yes indeed.
Still, it'll keep me out of trouble - other than the risk of debtor's prison as a result of keep spending on pearls....

O.K. I've measured the pearls.
I've judged the smallest and largest by eye - ain't no way I'm gonna measure the whole lot :eek:
All pearls measured across the largest dimension.

Of the strands advertised as 6mm. - 7mm., the largest pearls on the white strands are 6.7mm. The smallest pearls are 5.54mm.
The coloured strands: largest pearls are 7.1mm. Smallest pearls are 5.7mm.
The blue/grey pearls: largest are 6.43mm. The smallest are 6.18mm.

Of the strands advertised as 7mm. - 8mm.,
the largest pearls are 8.14mm. Smallest pearls are 7.14mm.

So, there you have it. I hope this helps.
Just want to add that the lustre is superb on just about all of them. I count only six pearls out of the whole lot with slightly less lustre.
And the colours of the lavenders are gorgeous. Lots of coppery and gold tones.
The pinks I am especially pleased with as they are true pink, not peachy.
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Hi Sueki,

Thank you very much for the measurements, that's extremely helpful. I spoke to my jeweller today and he said that sellers should supposedly advertise the width measurement (not the longest side, when they are off-round) and state those measurements, but I suspect most Chinese sellers state the 'length'. I've got some on, so whilst sitting here I've just got my calipers out and measured my 9-10mm rounds. They came in at 8.3 to 9.42mm, as is the case with most of the others I have. So, Perlluna's measurements fall within what one expects, going by the general measuring 'standards' we are seeing.

Kind regards
Hello PG,
Yes, I am sure your jeweller is correct. I measured the larger dimensions because I found it easier to fit them in the calipers while still in strands.
I think that Pearllunar are, perhaps, erring slightly on the better side of the Chinese measuring system.
When ordering, I was assuming the pearls would be the smaller of the size range, so ordered the next size up.
That is, I wanted 6mm. pearls, so ordered the 6 - 7mm. sizes.
Anyway, they are certainly much nicer than any other cheap-ish pearls I've bought.
And much nicer than some so-called good quality pearls bought here in the U.K.
Hello PG,
When ordering, I was assuming the pearls would be the smaller of the size range, so ordered the next size up.
That is, I wanted 6mm. pearls, so ordered the 6 - 7mm. sizes.
Anyway, they are certainly much nicer than any other cheap-ish pearls I've bought.
And much nicer than some so-called good quality pearls bought here in the U.K.

Sueki, I couldn't agree more. I've got into the habit of ordering the next size up, too. Although this has led to an increasing preoccupation with larger pearls! Yes, your pearls are certainly much better than those in the shops. I was in Brighton today and I handled a 10.5mm strand which I quite fancied, until I saw they were ?595. When I came home I looked at the ones I already have - mine were better, and they were a fifth of the price, off e-Bay.
Pearls should be measured perpendicular to the direction of the drill hole. I think that's what your jeweller meant, PG. If the pearls are oval it's nice to know the other measurement too. However, it it's not given I try to guesstimate the other measurement by the given one. Sorry if this confuses, it sounded simple in my mind before I started typing it.

The only problem is that you pretty much have to make a big purchase to bring down the shipping cost...

Yet another call for a buyer's group! Do they give quantity discounts? Or is this a haggle sort of thing? I'd love to cover my table with pearls like Sueki did. I'd never go to work. Work! Oh! Byeee!
A buyer's group - oh, wow, what a great idea !
I wonder how and if it'd work ?
People have been asking about my Pearllunar pearls. They came right before the gem show, but I still have not taken pictures of them.

Hey Caitlin-
So following up on one of your posts about making a small purchase from pearllunar on ebay - a few questions if you don't mind...
1) how was your experience?
2) how do the pearls you got compare to pearl paradise?
3) How long did the shipping take?
4) Would you recommend?
5) how does it compare to apex pearls (if you've bought from them)

My experience was fine.

The pearls are comprable to Pearl Paradise quality in their colors. Their photos were pretty good.

The 7-8mm advertised as "very round" were actually very eggy. PP's pearls are rounder by far, but these are commercial quality pearls, though quite good commercial quality.

Size is your usual Chinese size.

Shipping took one month

I like the colors better than Apex Jewelry, but they cost more too.

I would order from them again. My only question is how consistent is their quality over time?

I combined the 7-8mm eggy strand with a strand of deep lavender from Jeremy. The color matched so I put the eggy one from Pearllunar in the back.

I bought 2 strands of deep lavender 6-7mm and made them nestle inside the bigger pearls. Finally I made a rope from Mandyshan's 5-6 deep lavender pearls and doubled it for a combination of pearls all in the same color that rivals even my Mo-in-law's ropes.

I promise a picture, though those who came to the Pearl Walk saw them.
I forgot all about it, but my camera battery is charged. What did I say I would put up?
Got it. My pearllunars. If I hadn't read this post, I'd have forgotten what I got from them....