Any recommended Ebay pearl seller? Or I shound't by from Ebay at all?

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Glad you like them!

I will take some other photos of my pearly things to post in "show us your pearls." I am fussing with my digital camera, and NOT good with it.
Yes, the color is true in the photo, in some light more teal rainbow shows. I have silver-white hair, so this color appealed to me! But I love my white pearls too! And the multi-colors, and the lavenders, and the pinks, and the blacks, -------:D

So many pearls, so little time
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Wow, Pattye, stunning.

I would love to see the keshi Douglas posted on the other thread on a high-karat gold chain with some nice wire wrapping and gold work, a necklace, bracelet, or earrings, depending on how many he has! Carolyn Ehret has lovely designs like that, so maybe I'll get my wish soon!

Those are beautiful!! I bet they will look great with your hair color. I have yet to buy pearl jewelry from her but I have two pairs of non pearl earrings I bought from her that I adore. I love browsing her store and I check it often to see whats new :)
I just want to point out that Care Ehret is an eBay seller.

I think she has a large following who know exactly what they are getting.
Thanks, Caitlin,

Yes, thanks for pointing out again that she sells on ebay. I did mention it, but that is why I posted it here. Also that they are Sea of Cortez Mabes, for Douglas' benefit.

Way back when I first started looking at pearls on ebay, at some point I ran across DruzyDesign, and in googling Kasumi Pearls, ran across this forum about 1 1/2 years ago, and the rest is history!!;) I "looked" at pearls for a long time, including my time in retail jewelry sales, before ever buying any. Carolyn Ehret has a niche, just as all the terrific sellers who participate in this forum have a niche and much to offer.

IMO all the energy going on here is encouraging us to expand our horizons, just as Amanda is doing with the colored diamonds and pearls, and Jeremy in offering the Untreated Freshwater Baroques and Terry with his pearl and sterling chain combos at The Pearl Outlet-- I'm certain others are trying new ideas, too.

It's all in good pearly fun,

So many pearls, so little time
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I forget where the Ebay list of good people to deal with is, but she should be on it. I am thinking that there may be a few other such sellers of their own pearly designs and/or beader quality beads whom I would like to see posting over here. :D
What lovely earrings adn I am sure the Pendant is Absolutely Georgous as well! Yummy!!!!
