Antique 10-strand seed pearl bracelet

Looks like the real thing to me... And since Ruby-Lane is not exactly the place for tough promotion or cherry-picking (although one can pick a cherry every now and then!), the price is believable too. The lower lustre and irregular shapes of the pearls explain the rest.

(add the usual disclaimer... it's just a picture, no expert here, etc... etc...)

Now, if there is any chance for a picture of this one on your wrist... ;)

PS. Haven't clicked on RubyLane for centuries... and there seem to be a couple more seed pearl items there even cheaper; necklace, bar pin... that's how far I looked. Could imagine all together in a thicker torsade with the pin used as bar clasp.

Clearly, some things are more or less believable and I get puzzled easily: say, by something like THIS.
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Hi! I *did* consider the necklace here:,
and now you've reminded me of it!

I'm going to sleep on the decision (hey, liquid cash is liquid cash). If I end up buying the bracelet, I will certainly post photos!!!

Thanks so much for your input!
Hi Carol,

I think the bracelet is lovely - definitely offer 20% off first - if you offer 10%, it may get accepted straight away and you would be left wondering "why didn't I offer a little less"... so, I would offer 20% less then settle for 10% if the first offer is declined.

Pics when you get it?? I really do think it is a lovely design...
I would offer 20% less then settle for 10% if the first offer is declined.

Pics when you get it?? I really do think it is a lovely design...

Hi, Nerida!

Thanks for the suggestions regarding what I should offer. Pics for sure!!! Thanks for the compliment on my choice. :)

Antique Seed Pearl Bracelet -- Photos!!!

Antique Seed Pearl Bracelet -- Photos!!!


Just received my antique seed pearl bracelet in today's mail. It's easily the most delicate thing I own. Won't be able to flip-off passing motorists when I'm wearing this'n!

My photos, although taken while sitting still, look like they were shot in a Tahitian pipeline while hula-hooping :o

In the photos, the bracelet's safety-catch isn't fastened. I was testing it to see how secure the clasp was on its own.

At that size, I assumed that the opal on the snake's head would be mounted closed-back. When I peered like a dentist into the snake's mouth, I could see light coming through the back of the opal--in its open-back mount. What craftsmanship!!!

Not too fond of the glued knot at one end of the pearls, however.



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That is outstanding! ;) I'm so happy for you that you were able to get it. You'll never have to run into someone else wearing anything even remotely like it. The clasp is cool. :cool:
Yes, the clasp makes the piece! The bracelet is a conversation started for sure! Congratulations!
Thanks, everyone! It's nice to have others to ooh and ahh with :)

Oh, by the way, the small opal is *really* fiery. I am now addicted to opals too!

There is no end....

The bracelet has wonderful dimension! And the clasp is amazing! So glad you "went for it!" Someday you can restring and finish it so it won't have a glued knot.
Thanks, Ashby and Pattye!!!

Since joining the forum, learning how to restring my own pearls has become more and more tempting!

Carol, it's beautiful, Im so glad you bought it.
I'm getting rather partial to bracelets, I always have pearls on my wrist now, and enjoy the feeling. I used to wear a rather ornate gold bracelet all the time till i caught it on the clothes dryer and bent the heart padlock. I;m finding my left wrist is much safer for bracelets than my right.

Thanks for the tip about wearing the bracelet on my left wrist. It is clearly antique--I've never owned anything this fragile before. I'm hoping it'll force me to be more ladylike.

Thank you for the compliment!

Now that is NOT a tita bracelet. Good job Carol on following your heart on this. I love opals and opal beads were my main lust object before I fell into this crowd. I'm going to do a combination piece one of these day. I'm glad you got it. You would have thought about it forever if you'd passed it by, and now you can look at it instead!!
I'm going to do a combination piece one of these day.

That would really be great!!! I am now convinced that pearls and opals are a match made in heaven.

You are right, it's not a tita bracelet. My tita days all pau now.

Thanks for being a brassiere! (supportive ;) )
That's gorgeous! It looks even better on than it did in the Ruby Lane photos.
I just wanted to add my oohs and aahs. I was hoping you'd buy it and tell us all about it as you did but I was a little reluctant to encourage you to spend YOUR money to satisfy MY curiosity when I wasn"t really sure they were the real McCoy. I too would like to see pics of whatever waimeamomi makes with pearls and opals. Sounds like a delicious combo for a designer with flare and imagination!
Thanks, borah and Andrew (Andrew, welcome to the forum!)!

Ohhh. I'm sad today, having just emailed the poor, patient Ruby Lane seller that I would like to return the bracelet.

The bracelet is quality in every way: if you can believe it, it looked better under 10x magnification than it did to the naked eye. The opal in the snake's head is fiery, mounted *open-back*. The diamonds were very bright, and the pearls truly were *natural* in every way.

Unfortunately, their color *exactly* matches my skin tone. It was hard to admit but, although beautiful, the bracelet "did *nothing* for me". It is meant for someone with either fairer and rosier, or darker and browner skin tone.

It's difficult to buy jewelry online. However, I am determined to buy something else from this wonderful, honest, hard-working Ruby Lane seller! (That is, if she hasn't had it with me altogether!) I feel so bad.

But, the bracelet is very old and very beautiful--a wonderful piece of Victorian jewelry from a time when people were smaller and led a more leisurely life. Frankly, I felt that it was only a matter of time before my spastic movements caught that delicate bracelet and sent the pearls spilling....

I will miss it.
Like Andrew, I was enjoying your bracelet vicariously and will be sad to see it go. If it weren't so expensive, I would say you should keep it and replace the pearls with bigger, whiter or pinker pearls -- or baroques -- or baroques interspersed with opal beads.... You see the problem - we are all pearl dreamers! :D

Shopping for pearls again -- what a burden! :D