(Another) Tucson Pearl Walk 2007


Those definately have fireball colors, but not the round pearl with keishi growth, as it is sometimes described. That is gigantic size too!! I am in awe!!!
Look forward to hearing more---

so many pearls, so little time
That strand has incredible multi colors. Not being familar with "fireballs" , if I was to look at that string without any info before hand I would say it contains a number of very large Keishi pearls. Oh, wait a minute Freshwater mullusks can't produce Keishi pearls by definition (CIBJO) so they must be "fireballs"

Now with that size and color they would make beautiful jewelry pieces.

jshepherd said:
I do not believe the strand sold. It was (in my opinion) little more than a publicity stunt. The "new Ikecho" was more or less being unveiled at the show.

Chairman Zhan, of the Grace Pearl Company in Zhuji told me his company was pouring 80% of their resources into production of the fireballs now. They are actually producing enough to create matches, for earrings!

I have not yet jumped onto the bandwagon with those pearls, although I did select a handful of them earlier in the year. They hold a dark secret, so they may not be around forever.

Interesting to finally see Beaded CFWPs. Jeremy, since you have some of these pearls...could you please tell us if they are "heavy" or "light"? How much would one -let's say (but do just choose one)- 14 mm Ikecho weighs???
I'm really curious...thank you!
They do not seem to be any heavier than other pearls in my opinion. Have not really given it much thought, however.

The new G&G Summer issue just shipped. I have just emailed the editor to let her know that I only want to wait one week before publishing here as well. In the article we have several pictures of the new "Ikecho", as well as one a couple of fine specimens cut in half.
Questions on Ikecho Pearls

Questions on Ikecho Pearls

Wow, I wonder what the dark secret is... I purchased a lucious three piece set of enormous pink Ikecho pearls from Ari at A&Z pearls at AGTA Tucson. Do I need to worry about something ominous inside?

Also, after drilling all the way through a golden SS by accident, the guy who half-drills my pearls for me won't even consider drilling the Ikecho pearls. He's right. He wouldn't want to replace them. I've looked at drilling machines and they look like these pearls won't fit in the collet. I could get a mini drill press from Micro-Mark, but I would probably ruin them. Maybe I should drive up to LA and ask Ari to drill them? Anyone have any ideas?

Ikecho Pearls

Ikecho Pearls

Did I say Ari? I meant Avi. Hope I do the photo correctly so you can see his pearls...

Blaire, aka GemGeek


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SOOOOOO LOVELY!! Thanks for the photo!

so many pearls, so little time
GemGeek said:
Wow, I wonder what the dark secret is... I purchased a lucious three piece set of enormous pink Ikecho pearls from Ari at A&Z pearls at AGTA Tucson. Do I need to worry about something ominous inside?

Also, after drilling all the way through a golden SS by accident, the guy who half-drills my pearls for me won't even consider drilling the Ikecho pearls. He's right. He wouldn't want to replace them. I've looked at drilling machines and they look like these pearls won't fit in the collet. I could get a mini drill press from Micro-Mark, but I would probably ruin them. Maybe I should drive up to LA and ask Ari to drill them? Anyone have any ideas?


I saw Avi's selection at the show as well. Jack Lynch has the best, IMO. He had some really amazing pieces, and donated a few to The G&G Article I did with Doug Fiske.

Drilling them can be a bit of a pain. If you do not have a clean surface to drill, you will need to either wrap the collets, or do it by hand if you only intend to half-drill.

Someone drilled all the way through a golden by accident?! That is a pretty expensive accident!

See you in 18 days...

The pearl in question was a 10mm round. He said he hit an air pocket and the drill jumped across and went straight through. They were going to be matched pair of dangle earrings. Now they'll be pendants, one with a bead tip! He was willing to replace the pearl. He's a nice guy.

Woo Hoo! See you in 18 days... I'm so excited about the GIA pearl tour that I can hardly stand it. Rose at GIA says they are adding the Philippines to next year's trip. I may be making my lunch in perpetuity... Or maybe retirement is just a far-off dream!

By the way, did you see the article on Tucson's Pearls in JCK? Fabulous photos. I haven't got my G&G yet. Now, I'll be waiting with great anticipation for your article. Good for you. Does that mean I'll find out what the dark secret is, when I get the new issue? Ha Ha!
He said he hit an air pocket and the drill jumped across and went straight through.
From a round? You will only find hollow pockets in non-rounds. He likely hit the conchiolin layer on the opposite side just before reaching the opposing nacre. When this happens you do feel the slip, and m.o.p. dust jumps out of the drill hole. This is the perfect spot if you are using a swivel drill and intend to flip the pearl around and come in from the other side. You are completely through the nucleus at this point, and you will not chance cracking the pearl.
I have actually done the same thing as your driller many times, accidentally coming through the other side - just pushed it a little too far. If one is lucky it will not damage the nacre. But it often leaves a crater.

You will find out what the secret is in G&G, but only if you really read between the lines. We were not very overt in that article. Just stating the fact... in a scientific sort of way. I will post an article here as well as soon as I receive my regular mail G&G. The Pearl-Guide article won't hold any punches.

I have heard that the Philippines may be on the next agenda. Jewelmer would be a great host.