Another necklace!

Aww, thanks everyone! This necklace is for a friend to wear to her daughter's wedding. They are getting married at her home, and my friend is wearing a beautiful light teal blue sheath dress, very plain and fitted. She wanted a "soft statement" piece to wear, one that wouldn't take away from the bride, but still be noticed.

Ooooh that will be gorgeous with those pearls and that fabulous chain !!
JP it is so very thoughtful of you to make such a fabulous jewelry for your friend's daughter's wedding! Please do share some pictures when they are available!
Wow, I love the combination of the gold links and the circled Tahitians! I would love to see a picture of that necklace around a neck to see how it lays. I am so impressed you drilled your own pearls!

Jersey, do you mind sharing the source of the gold chains?
IMG_3286.jpgIMG_3285.jpgHere are a couple of shots of the second 24" chain (my jeweler found them for me...the original 42" version was a piece my mother had...he found them from a supplier in Turkey, so I don't know the details). I used pointy pearls for this one, and toyed with the idea of setting them point side down (may still go back and revise!)
OOOO, love the drops point side up.

Also, I always see my neck wrinkles in my photos, BUT I never notice neck wrinkles in other people's photos.
I'm totally distracted by your pearls.

Moral of story: Wear more pearls.
It's always such a delight to see what you do with the pearls JP!
And as far as the drilling goes - my goodness, you've already mastered it.
Nailing those points correctly and getting the bit to come out exactly on axis on the other side is no easy task on pearls such as those (with such sharp ends.) Well done!

P.S - You mentioned goggles or protective eye wear - a necessity! - But please also do me a favor and don't breathe any of that dust in! So worth it to invest in one of those masks (from Home Depot or Lowe's), if you plan to personally drill all of those pearls I sent you.
It's always such a delight to see what you do with the pearls JP!
And as far as the drilling goes - my goodness, you've already mastered it.
Nailing those points correctly and getting the bit to come out exactly on axis on the other side is no easy task on pearls such as those (with such sharp ends.) Well done!
P.S - You mentioned goggles or protective eye wear - a necessity! - But please also do me a favor and don't breathe any of that dust in! So worth it to invest in one of those masks (from Home Depot or Lowe's), if you plan to personally drill all of those pearls I sent you.

Thanks for the reminder...I use a lead/asbestos mask made by 3M. I find it much easier to wear than those basic dust masks...I have pretty bad asthma, so anything I do around dust requires protection.
Thanks for the reminder...I use a lead/asbestos mask made by 3M. I find it much easier to wear than those basic dust masks...I have pretty bad asthma, so anything I do around dust requires protection.

JP, Jacques, Katbran, I'm so glad these safety factors are being mentioned. With the ease of acquiring professional equipment for home use without any formal training, I have concerns that safe use is not always a priority.
JP, Jacques, Katbran, I'm so glad these safety factors are being mentioned. With the ease of acquiring professional equipment for home use without any formal training, I have concerns that safe use is not always a priority.

Safety first, always...even for home projects! A mask should be worn when cleaning up too...that pearl dust can get everywhere if you aren't careful. I vacuum the drill (I have a HEPA filter on mine) and then wipe it down with a swiffer duster. Oh, and please, if you purchase the disposable style masks...they are DISPOSABLE!!! One use only. And if you have a mask with replaceable filters...REPLACE the filters per instructions!
Yes I agree with you that those disposable, paper thin masks are not much use... The 3M paint/asbestos masks that strap around your head are much better - that is also what I use. But how often do you need to replace the filters that attach onto them? Hmm it has been a while for mine.. Somehow I forgot to read up on that.:eek:
Yes I agree with you that those disposable, paper thin masks are not much use... The 3M paint/asbestos masks that strap around your head are much better - that is also what I use. But how often do you need to replace the filters that attach onto them? Hmm it has been a while for mine.. Somehow I forgot to read up on that.:eek:

A lot of it depends on what you are doing, and how often. If you notice difficulty drawing in air, then you should replace your filter. I use mine for all sorts of things...gardening, dusting, when I vacuum...I change it at least once a month, sometimes more often. The filters aren't expensive, nor is the mask.
So I found a similar chain in sterling silver...the links are ovals and circles, and I think this works well with the circled drop shaped pearls. This was kind of an experiment, but I like the first time wire wrapping in sterling silver.IMG_3311.jpgIMG_3315.jpg
OOO, I like how the pearls hang inside the big rings. It really frames them well. I like that.