Amsterdam Pearls


New Member
Jun 23, 2018
Hi Everyone--

Does anyone know if Cees has a shop in Amsterdam? I am going to be there September 28-October 4 before leaving on a river cruise and would love to visit the store and see his beautiful pearls in person if possible. I tried to email but it came back as an unknown address???

I certainly would appreciate any help I can get from you. Thanks
Cees comes back to holland end of next week so he will be here for the 28th he there is no pearl ams shop but there are quite some shops who sell his pearls he will probable get back to you soon here and otherwise pm me and i can send you his number. you can also send him a pm here normally he is quite fast with those.

when your here don't forget to take a train to The Hague to see vermeers the girl with the pearl earring !