Almost identical mikimoto bracelets, only 1 real?, or both or maybe both fake?

It looks as though one of them was hardly worn and one was worn hard. :)
That sound as an reasonable explanation. But also notice that the safety chain is attached on different locations for both. Wat do you think about that?
The pattern on the links is slightly different also. If the gold tests 14k on both pieces, that would support authenticity, imo. An explanation for the safety chain variation might be that this style bracelet was produced over a number of years and slightly changed over time. The clasp isn't identical either.

Please note: I am not a Miki expert nor an expert on vintage jewelry. The detail is not the clearest in the photos, either.
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Pattye, not to worry with regard to you note, I appreciate you input. I'm considering in buying nr2. Just trying to figure out if it's real. Nr1 comes with a loose certificate, nr1 comes with an authentic red mikimoto box. I noticed the differences that you mentioned also. But although pictures are not great it seems awkward to see 2 almost identical bracelets of mikimoto. That would suggest that one is fake, disregarding the explanations mentioned by yourself.

On the other hand if one is fake it would not be a logical choice to fake this specific design imo. I think that there are more easy designs to fake then the ones above. Would love to hear your take on that.

Furthermore, would love to hear what the community thinks such a bracelet is worth. Just fyi, there is a 1200 USD price difference between them as they are listed at the moment. With nr2 as the relative cheap one, priced at 600 USD
no point in faking this bracelet and then ask the gram price plus a small % so its real

it comes with a box thats also authentic so your safe buying it

so far only 19 people have seen the add so compared to other pieces it does not get much clics

the asking price of nr two is 543 usd

because in holland people don't know mikimoto you can get the price lower miki was never really promoted here so its a safe buy, the nice thing about the website you have seen the add on is that the dutch travel a lot they always have so from 1700 till now you can pretty much get the nicest things without anyone who knows what it is because the ( doe maar normaal culture ) makes it that people have less value for brands and only a really small group who actually knows good brands :)
Thx dmj . I'll be sending an email to the seller tomorrow, hopefully my wife likes the bracelet. Cheers, en weltrusten
Pearlo -- lucky lucky wife! "Happy wife, happy life." I bet yours is sweet.
I would purchase it quickly as people are likely to see it here and try and beat you to it. Your wife should love it! :)
indeed maybe i should deleted the images, thx for all the comments and tips. If im able to acquire the bracelet. Ill be sure to post some detailed pics.
ok so we agreed on 450 USD. lets hope it lives up to my expectations. will post some pics when it is in my possession.
Congratulations, pearlo! I think you made a great buy and I hope she loves it! I would!
Will be picking it up tomorrow evening. Will be sure to check all marks and details. It's my understanding that an Mikimoto should look amazing and flawless. A real HQ bracelet. No apparent defect except for age. If it all looks fine I will be posting pics the same evening!
Let me tell you I just picked it up.....and it is just amazingly beautiful. The pictures that I posted in my first post are looking like a 2 USD bracelet compared to what I have in my hands now. It was an hour drive back home and I just couldn't stop smiling. It's evening now here and I'm gonna wait till tomorrow for the pics to keep the suspens going and to give justice to the bracelet in natural daylight. Thx for all the comment that made my buy it! 450 an amazing steal if you ask me
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Pearlo, can't wait to see your photos; I love that bracelet ... congratulations to your wife!