Akoya necklace - help me identify colour


New Member
Jan 21, 2016
Hi all, I was gifted this Akoya necklace by my mum. She bought it at a local Japanese departmental store. The saleslady told her its Akoya natural colour. Size of necklace is 8-8.5mm and 18"long.
The strand is only knotted on the last 3 pearls, the rest unknotted. Which makes the necklace rather stiff . Finished with a beautiful flower clasp.

The pearls seem to have bluish and some pinkish tone. It's looks silver grey overall rather than white.

I love it. But I also would like to know more about them. So when i pass on to my daughter i can tell her what they are.

Attaching some pics. Please do let me know your thoughts. Thank you. PhotoGrid_1461510885306.jpgPhotoGrid_1461511685596.jpg
I think they are just what she said they are, akoyas that have not been bleached. (There's variation in the tone so they are not likely dyed.)

They really are very pretty, and such a nice size.
I agree. I think you already know exactly what they are. Beautiful natural colored akoyas. I love the clasp, too.

If you decide to have them restrung with knots between all the pearls, the necklace will get longer and drape more. However, the stiffness, does make it hang in a lovely arc around your neck.
Thank you for the replies. I needed confirmation that they are natural coloured akoya. Yeah to my mum for picking a winner.

Qn about the knots. By not having individuals knots. Will it affect the nacre of the pearls since they are running against each other?
Am hoping to pass this piece to my daughter in the future and hope I can make it last as long as I can
The rubbing could affect them over time. Also if the silk breaks, the pearls could scatter and not all be found.

Many of us knot (or restring/reknot) our own strands. If you decide to do this, check out the tutorials on the Lowly Beader's forum. I recommend you use Pattye's Serafil thread which is sold by Pattye her Etsy shop. https://www.etsy.com/shop/PatriciaSaabDesigns?section_id=14365735&pages=3
Pattye also sells beading needles and gimp (French wire) if you need it.

Pattye's Serafil is a synthetic thread that is strong and slippery, so you can make tight knots and seat them in the correct position without gaps, without needing tweezers or other tools. It's easy for beginners to use, inexpensive, and it comes in many colors.

Pattye's Serafil doesn't stretch as silk does and it is washable-- so you can clean your pearls when needed.
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If you restring, figure about .05cm (.5mm) of added length per knot. 47 pearls = 46 knots, x .05cm per knot = 2.3cm = a little less than an inch of length accounted for by knots alone.

But currently the necklace has the last 3 pearls on each side knotted so actually you'd be adding only 40 knots, or 2cm, about 3/4 inch in length. That's not much longer.

If you want to go a bit shorter you could keep aside 2 or 4 pearls and use them to make matching dangle earrings.
That is an amazing necklace! Your Mom got the perfect gift. :)

I have an untreated silver akoya necklace from PP that I love. It has blemishes, but I think you can get the idea that it is very much like yours in coloration. The sun brings out the natural rose overtone. The last photo is in indirect light. I had to add beads to keep the leaves from being too close to the pearls.


Gem geek. Thank you for the picture. Now I know it's untreated silver akoyas. We were told white akoyas with natural blue. So I was confused.

Pearl Dreams : thank you for the super useful links. I have ordered some Beaders secret and it's with my relative who is bringing it over.
And thanks for reminding me about the number of pearls to take away. I would have forgotten completely.
Two to three pearls taken away would leave the necklace about the same length it is now.

Four pearls taken away would make the necklace a little bit shorter than it is now, but if you are making dangle earrings, being able to use two pearls per earring would be preferable to one alone, and the necklace certainly looks long enough to spare the 4 pearls. Just my opinion, though.

BAS has some stunning earrings with 2 akoyas in tandem in a dangle earring-- I'm snitching her photos from other threads to give you inspiration:

Pearl dreams: thank you for the inspiration. I love the double pearl dangle pic of Bas.

Jersey pearls : you are right. All is but a name and most importantly it came from my mum.
Gem geek. Thank you for the picture. Now I know it's untreated silver akoyas. We were told white akoyas with natural blue. So I was confused.

Some of the pearls are light blue, but overall it's silver. Color-wise, it's a lot like yours. Too bad we can't compare in person. This world needs more pearl play-dates!
Kalmen22 and GemGeek, you both have gorgeous pearls...And yes, we need more pearl play dates!!
Pearly dates would be lovely.
Thank you icy jade and imgarden. I do love them.
Really pretty akoyas! Love the clasp! I believe restringing with Beaders Secret produces the nicest drape, and it's a lot softer on your hands too.
Really pretty akoyas! Love the clasp! I believe restringing with Beaders Secret produces the nicest drape, and it's a lot softer on your hands too.

Heartily agree ..Beaders Secret is so silky soft and the knots just slide down so beautifully ..it's the best ! Pattye has a huge range of colours and ships really quickly!