Hi thank you so much for your timeYes, definitely cultured Chinese freshwater pearls. Akoya pearls do not circle like this. South Sea pearls can circle in a similar way, but the overall look is different.
In responding.
Some of the listings on eBay are repulsive. It’s sad, really.Here's one that makes me laugh: https://www.ebay.com/itm/394587225403?hash=item5bdf3b3d3b:g:9L0AAOSwo6lWQgdf&amdata=enc:AQAIAAAA8JOlsvfl5fHah4mvkYVV9U87YrMVOmzNkaxL4Gw3rOrJ7Hg7vu7E3+8hiwg9Fh13eB7TVoVc8GwTsfSSAV3cYi9F9wPUMp2O9VXJ05+6uzo+MbxgCocOYOxHVr78vSmmQbr4EkwM1xLvzgy1m2g2JQfaENDCa2FppNycmTMlYeYh/tTj+RcHaRaEaZ2r6nBUdgx3dnsDy938DSkGXvWg/yd01F4KR+tN4cy1J/eL5D6P6OkYKYW1Zz+KQpsYPvvPEOiWrK7DSfuvMHqdORrc2KQbftwiDXb/Kr+Pgw8BS6QSI2nC2mFgh2hKL7qsCAg8wA==|tkp:Bk9SR67fgNb5YQ
This very photo has been used over and over, by multiple Chinese sellers. Sometimes they list them as baroque SS, sometimes baroque akoya (as in this listing). The ringed FWP from which I made my necklace extender were from a listing using this very photo.
Scams abound.
Scroll down from this listing and you'll see even more listings using the same photo!