Again Mikimoto..


New Member
May 17, 2015
So what do you think of this one. it's about 45 years old according to the seller. Sterling clasp, looks like white akoya with silver overtone, 16'' in length measurement. The seller thinks it's 4mm to 5mm pearls. It's bought in Japan, so no nots between the pearls. Based on the first picture I think it more like 5mm-5.5mm, (36,5 cm divide by 70 pearl) it's with box and receipt. It was bought for 50 USD in 1971. Exchange rate was around 350.

To be honest in not really impressed by it. I like the yellow gold clasps or yellow gold bracelets from mikimoto much more. It's an auction that starts with a reserve of 110 USD, which I myself think is a bit expensive. Was thinking more in the range of 90 USD. But still, I've seen silver mikimoto clasps going for 120 USD on eBay . It could still be value for money even though I'm not blow away by it.

What is you opinion? And anyone able to translate the receipt?

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Hi Pattye, i think its real also. It is not advertised on ebay, and i have to take a 45min drive just to have a look :-( But i have the pearl flu, so I will problably bid for it.
Very pretty, and if it's 16" without knots including the clasp, I also think they are about 5- 5.5mm.
So Pearlo, what do you think in person? In your photo the pearls appear to be very good quality, high luster and the clasp is different from any others I've seen posted here before, yet clearly authentic Mikimoto. The clasp appears strong, and the shape of the "fish hook" well done. "Pearl flu," is incurable, lol!
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To be honest it's far above my expectations. It's a mikimoto, 16" chocker, pearl size 5mm-5.5mm, white with silver or pink overtone (I haven't seen it in natural daylight yet). Including receipt and sleeve. The pearls indeed are of very high quality an luster. It's amazingly beautifull!!
It was a real surprise when I picked it up today :-) I'll post a few pics in natural daylight. Thx for the compliments I'm very very happy with my purchase. This one is for my daughter btw :-)

I just wanted to share the pics with you again ;-) still looking out for earrings and Tahitians at moment :-)
I LOVE your new purchase!!! Congratulations and what a very lucky daughter you have!
Thx for the compliments! and its silver overtone btw. In daylight its even more beautifull.

Its funny how a photograph can never capture the real beauty of a pearlnecklace
Well, that was surely worth the 45 minute drive, wasn't it?
Such pretty pearls, what lustre, looking forward to more photos...
It sure was :) But my real goal are Tahitians peacocks or multicolored. Been on the look out for Tahitians , especially the peacock variants. But it very hard to find authentic ones at a reasonable price. I guess most people are not selling and hang on to there most valued possessions. As I'm holding out my last purchase for my daughters birthday, I'm actually thinking about reselling this one and use the proceeds for peacock Tahitians as they are more expensive when bought new or even vintage. I actually find these mikimoto beautifull, and even more beautifull then my last mikimoto purchase and would regret to sell ( even though I wasn't expecting to much when I bought them ) and I usually never sell anything that I purchase. But Tahitians don't come cheap :)

I already bought a mikimoto case for my 18" necklace ( It's a broche case I think? )


What do think, should I resell one of the necklace's? ( my wife won't mind, as she will get the Tahitians ) and my daughter doesnt know she getting anything. If so, the 18inch or the 16 inch?

I'm not willing to sell the bracelet, although the proceeds will probably be higher. I rather hang on to all three as there's no way to be sure that you won't regret it in the future. Argh!
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Hard dilemmas :) One factor for me would be that I really like the way the yellow gold clasp on this necklace echoes the gold links on that gorgeous bracelet. Daughters are tricky to judge, having one myself ... does yours like jewelry, classic as in white pearls ... does she have a slim neck and might prefer the 16" or need the 18" length ... ? Just some things to ponder ...
ok so I was just think out load in my last post. And I discussed this for about 5 seconds with my wife, I think the ladies here on this forum know enough. Guess it was a mistake showing here my last purchase:)
@ CathyKeshi I'm was thinking about giving this to here on here 4th birthday. I know it's a risk I'm taking here, but she always has so much interest in my wife's jewelery :rolleyes: But she has some plastic "jewelery" at the moment and she is treating it like gold
Pearlo, a girl is never too young to get started on pearls, and an appreciation for fine things :)
Hahaha, a very fine gift for a four year old! They look amazing.