This thread has certainly gone around the houses - from me asking fellow sellers how they were getting on with sorting through their loot from the show, through what people are buying which is new in from the show, then buying generally to caitlin's nicknames for pearls and finally to rude words in Denmark!
With a title like this thread has, it indicates a kind of processing should be taking place. The processing, then the final offerings.
Those are not my nicknames for pearl sounds or sizes, those words are examples of my long, continuous memory of various happenings during pearl guide history and my bringing them forward when my memory is ticked. Which it is by this. So skip this post if old P-G history is boring to you,
Klonk is actually a Zeide word; one of many examples of her original word stylings, which is where she was/is most brilliant. (I had to quit typing for a minute to get nostalgic about her talent with words and phrases-it was towering, IMO, she still towers over all the fine wordsmiths who have posted on this forum) When Zeide first used the word "klonk", it spread of its own accord all over this forum. And, "klonk" is useful because it separates out a whole class of pearls with one word. You hear or read, klonk- you immediately think big pearls. When you see big pearls, no matter the shape, you think "klonks". No longer any need to get particular and say "13mm" or "17x12mm" etc, they are ALL klonks! And klonks are a special category of pearls. When Zeide expounded on why she used the word klonk, she referred to the sounds they make and actually said that little pearls, klink, medium pearls klank, and big pearls klonk. As German is her first language (and she had a knack for decisions like, "K" was better to use than "C") so she spelled them all with "K"s. "Pearl-plated beads" was her expression for cheap akoyas, especially, but any badly cultured sea pearl. The list goes on more than this.....
Zeide first made up and used "Freshadama" on this forum. It was for the first strands of earring grade freshwater pearls Jeremy brought home and made into exquisite freshwater strands; the best that had been seen in the USA, so far. (He sent some out to people. I got a purple one, Zeide got a white strand) In 2005-6 or so? Suddenly, these were the first gem quality pearls available on the internet- absolutely no one else used earring grade pearls to make strands, before Jeremy did this. Now it is a necessary quality of pearl meant to attract more discerning buyers and most big time online sites have this grade- Jeremy, the inventive!
I guess I am the last one standing of the early wild and wooly posters like Zeide and Slraep, who were like Abbott and Costello in the way they played word games with the English language. Slraep has extremely strong language skills,to and the ability to create a cast of characters with language. Both appeared to move in circles that owned castles in Europe and Masarattis. In between pearl talk (for the forum was small back then) they wove their personas into their posts.
It had to end because the forum was real, not just a "list" like the ones for voodoo clubs on Yahoo which were still big, back then. That is, the forum was filling up with real people and an entirely new culture of behavior operated here from the rest of the internet. No more pretend. No more flaming. No trolls. Besides, real people were really believing Zeide, even when she got as ridiculous as possible about Lop Noors and Siberian transgraft pearls. I, for one, believed her for quite a while. I was in awe of her knowledge.(Then I bought my own copy of "Pearls" by Elisabeth Strack; Zeide had the German version long before it was out in English) She started out joking, but developed a bunch of followers, like me. I was so serious about pearls and I had no clue that the groups on Yahoo were actually more into making up characters and using the English language to its utmost limits, than exploring the topic of the group. I believed Pearl-Guide was real and that jokesters like Zeide were real, too. It came to the point where make believe characters like Zeide were no longer functioning for the forum and had to go. So Abbott and Costello did a flim flam where Costello revealed Abbott who then had to retire, much hurt, that the joke had to end. (Slraep was the one who called an end to the games, and exposed Zeide to me)
My tendency to flame a very few, selected people, like sbloom- or have a strong way of stating opinions about big corporate pearl operations- or their pearls- dates from that era too, though I am now trying to mitigate it, somewhat, I hope.