Accidental shampoos


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
Quick question. I sometimes forget to remove my earrings in the shower. Does shampoo hurt pearl earrings?

If the tap water can be consumed, does it mean that there isn't a lot of chlorine and so it's safe?
Depends on the type of earrings. Of course it's not good for them, but since I never take mine off, they get a daily dose of shampoo, soap and water. Sorry. (I can hear the collective gasp through the internet.) My daily pearls are AA quality. However, if your earrings are studs, it's doubly bad. The daily washing loosens the glue which holds the pearl on the stud posts quicker than usual. If your pearls aren't glued anywhere and aren't gem quality, I think you're good.
Lol Knotty, you make me laugh again. I can just see you shampooing with the earrings on. Maybe you can do an advertisment. lol No gasps from me though. Although, I very rarely wear earring, and only clip on at that, so it's never a problem for me.
uh-oh. They are my 9 - 10mm freshadamas. Okay, I need backup earrings now. :D
uh-oh. They are my 9 - 10mm freshadamas. Okay, I need backup earrings now. :D

Hi Airdancer,

I also am forgetting about taking them out before taking a shower, I wear mostly studs (AAA + Freshadama grade) but as I am not a lover of extended showers I think it will be OK. It could be though that the glue is been weakened but I have super glue so I can fix the pearls, if necessary.:o

Back-up earrings are a great idea!
This is great; we have a running experiment. How long have you done this with that pair? Let's see a check-in when they've taken showers for several months- a year.....

I can't see why a mild shampoo would hurt the pearls- it is either Ph balanced or it's slightly alkaline --it's the silk that would have the bad reaction (all the "care for your pearls" posts have more about taking care of the silk when they are washed than the pearls themselves).... but there is no silk in your average earring.

I would think chlorine would be a more of a problem- so much water has a hefty dose of chlorine......but it is alkaline too, so maybe we will need an experiment with chlorinated water and shampoo with a pair of earrings on.....
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An occasional shower with your pearls isn't going to do anything. Repeated washing might have a long term effect, especially on the glue but that is probably more to do with the hot water and steam then anything else.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, but I'd try not to make a habit of it or you might see one of those pearls sliding down the drain one morning :(
This is great; we have a running experiment. How long have you done this with that pair? Let's see a check-in when they've taken showers for several months- a year.....

Oh! I have done so on an akoya stud. Swimming too! [Did someone just faint?] It's still seems ok after 2 years. That was in those early ignorant days....
Just chiming in to say that I have a pair of FW studs that I wore 360 days a year for several years. I showered, slept, and swam many many laps in them. Oops! Now I know better, but I think a few showers here and there won't cause serious harm. But back ups are a good idea ;) My earrings are far from yours, just small 6mm or so AA quality.