A Year of Pearls in the Life of a Pre-K Teacher:

BAS, where do you buy your mock necks from, please? I never thought of wearing princess length pearls with mock necks before, but they always look great on you. Part of that is that is because your neckline fits very well, and not all mocks do.
DAY 94:

My souffle super strand set. Glorious souffles!




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BAS, where do you buy your mock necks from, please? I never thought of wearing princess length pearls with mock necks before, but they always look great on you. Part of that is that is because your neckline fits very well, and not all mocks do.

BWeaves, thanks! They are ALL from Lands' End! I'm about to order a few more from the sale/clearance section. I tend to buy the things I like in variations of the same. So I'll have 6 pink tops -- all slightly different, but maybe not to the viewer. For example, I have 3 similar purple dresses. I wonder if people think I'm wearing the same dress over and over...
Thanks. I figured they might be either Lands' End or LL Bean, but wasn't sure.

And those soufflé's are to die for. OMG.
Be still , my heart, Hanadamas and Madamas -- just gorgeous! I am especially taken with the Hanadama tin cup. What is the spacing between the pearls?

I can't find a measuring tool -- now that the kids are both in college I think they took them! Do you want me to photograph the tin cup next to a dime or quarter or something?
(gentle cough)

This might be a good spot to show this strand's "sister" souffle super strand...
Sounds like the sister souffle strand belongs to BabyNurse? Yah I wanna see it to, please show us!!!
Hilarious!! I will look for pictures and if I can't find any, I'll take some. May not be till the morning though.
LOL BAS ... NOW I'm paying attention ... and waiting for BabyNurse :)
Sigh. Baby Nurse -- stunning. Thank you for sharing your photos with us!