A Year of Pearls in the Life of a Pre-K Teacher:

DAY 72:

Champagne keshi rope and champagne keshi studs:

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BAS I don't think I've seen you posting your Tahitians - I'm very curious about them and hope you'll wear some of your Tahitians soon! :o
BAS I don't think I've seen you posting your Tahitians - I'm very curious about them and hope you'll wear some of your Tahitians soon! :o

I don't have many Tahitians. I think they're sprinkled in already, but maybe I'll devote a few days in a row to them at some point...
Ah, one of my first favorite BAS pieces; there's just something so special about the luster and color play on that one! That is a Happy necklace & top combination :)
BAS, i'm always so impressed with the different ways you wear your pearls - i mean, you have so many beautifully matched sets, but you always find a way to make them more than just "oh another matched set of pearls." love the knotted keshis - LOVE the double strand with the triple-drop earrings. you have a talent. someday when i'm a bazillionaire, i'll hire you just to be my personal pearl shopper/dresser. sound good?
wait, no necklace the day you wore the pink mock turtleneck with those fireball (or souffle?) earrings?

You got it! I did not wear the matching YG, peach souffle and citrine necklace. It just felt too formal for my outfit and the gold is delicate and I didn't want to get kinks in it from working at the Pre-K. So only peach souffle earrings with citrine and YG that day. What can I say? I was feeling crazy...
OH yes, that necklace - i remember it now. no, most def. not a mock-turtleneck necklace. i have a similarly-constructed necklace and it is absolutely too delicate to wear on anything but bare skin....so i don't get to wear it often enough as i'm more of a t-shirt kinda woman, LOL! THAT SAID i even love the souffles and citrine earrings with the bright pink top. well done! :)