A Year of Pearls in the Life of a Pre-K Teacher:

BAS take care and best wishes for your dad, hope he recovers from his illness soon.
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Good luck, this is scary territory. I hope he recovers well.
Very positive wishes to you and your family and hope all goes for the best with your Dad.
Dear BAS, so sorry to hear about your dad - keeping your family in my thoughts and keep us posted!
Thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes. I really appreciate it.

DAY 109:

Today, my lovely silver/pistachio baroque akoya. These small pearls pack a big punch. I just love them. And this is what I wore when visiting my father in the ICU yesterday:

3-15-16 1.jpg

3-15-16 2.jpg

3-15-16 3.jpg
A wonderful family photo. Best wishes for your father to recover fast. Hugs.
DAY 111:

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! (Each and every holiday is heavily celebrated at my Pre-K Center!)
