A solution for dying coral due to Global Warming


Jul 21, 2010
Reports that a lot of the corals in the oceans will die before 2050, a report in the Dutch today is very promising that by modifying genes a stronger coral has been developed and the first try out is underway in the Bahamas.
Please read more details from this website:
Cees, the only copy I can find on the website is in Dutch ... is there an English translation available anywhere? I'm afraid I only picked up "please, thank you and I apologize" in the Netherlands :)
Cathey Keshi, the link I sent is in English but at the top u can change languages.
Cees, thank you. For some reason I still can't get the article. I can get to the BlueLinked site through your link in English, and I do see the buttons at the top to switch languages. However, I can only seem to get to the actual article by clicking on the blue link box, which takes me to the actual paper, in Dutch. Ah, well ... perhaps it's because I'm on Mac ... thanks for calling our attention to the article.