Hello all! I've been a member here for ages but I rarely post so I thought I'd reintroduce myself. I'm terribly introverted so I'm more apt to read than speak up but I'm going to try! I live in Seattle with my husband -- our two children have flown from the nest so I have more time these days for obsessing over pearls and my lowly beading adventures. I met up with Pattye a few weeks ago down in Portland, we had coffee and she introduced me to a wonderful store that sells a lot of pearl jewelry. Pattye brought eye candy with her, including some Sea of Cortez mabe earrings and SoC strands which were just gorgeous. Not to mention the three beautiful freshie strands she was wearing!
So, in the spirit of eye candy, what fun is a reintro without something to look at? Here is my newest acquisition, just came in the mail last night and I've hardly taken it off. It's from Lugana's shop http://nomorepearls.com and is an early birthday gift from my husband.

Put it on last night, the colors show up well against my white tee:

Wearing it today:

I'm just in love with all the shapes and subtle ombre. I feel like I will be wearing this one a lot!
Lastly, I have a small Etsy shop, which Pattye encouraged me to share on P-G, I just have to figure out how to set up my signature. But I'm really just here to share in all things pearl related!
So, in the spirit of eye candy, what fun is a reintro without something to look at? Here is my newest acquisition, just came in the mail last night and I've hardly taken it off. It's from Lugana's shop http://nomorepearls.com and is an early birthday gift from my husband.

Put it on last night, the colors show up well against my white tee:

Wearing it today:

I'm just in love with all the shapes and subtle ombre. I feel like I will be wearing this one a lot!
Lastly, I have a small Etsy shop, which Pattye encouraged me to share on P-G, I just have to figure out how to set up my signature. But I'm really just here to share in all things pearl related!