A mixed bag of abalone pearls.

Hi Adeline,

the picture in karipearls looks like a wild red abalone (h. rufescens).
?yes Steve... they are indeed plano spirals ;)
Heard my name?

Just to be sure we aren't mixing planispirals in opercula and certain shells (including Nautilus) with the helical vortices of the mysterious aragonite pearls featured and discussed on the Nautilus thread!
Heard my name…

Just to be sure we aren't mixing planispirals in opercula and certain shells (including Nautilus) with the helical vortices of the mysterious aragonite pearls featured and discussed on the Nautilus thread!

Correct. I was addressing the result of test where I removed the conchiolin from operculum and revealed a plano spiral as opposed to an earlier image of what was suspected to be a hand carved spiral.
It appears I was away. Link possible?
abalone pearl ring tahitian pearl ring

abalone pearl ring tahitian pearl ring

I need some advice on this, if you wouldn't mind.

My little batch of wild abalone pearls from Antz is screaming for a custom design and I'm thinking of setting this matched pair into a stacking set together with a tahitian pearl.

I need some advice on this and I will be happy to hear from anyone. My jeweller works out of Europe and I'll be there in a week's time so, hopefully, the lost wax casting custom can get started then.

The look I'm after is an earthy artisan look, either botanical or nature-inspired like that of my vintage diamond rings. Either that or something along the lines of Arthur King's pearl creations (see his masterpieces as attached).

Which would set of pearls would be a better idea?

(1) Abalone pearls with a huge 18mm steely-grey tahitian pearl (hammered texture)
(2) Abalone pearls with the 14mm graceful silver tahitian drop with the mirror lustre

I've asked my entire extended family (including the girls who will, in time, inherit or 'borrow' them) and most are backing one of the trios in particular. But I'm still undecided and have come to the real 'pros' (and pearl obsessed) for advice.

So, please, let me hear what you have to say.


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Hi Adeline,

What a fun project :) I prefer the 14 mm. pearl. I find the larger pearls takes too much of the attention.

- Karin
Karin, I am so happy you said that! Everyone voted for the 18mm but I have been holding out for the smaller drop. And how does one wear an 18mm pearl on a ring? May not be for everyday living and I'm no princess. I think I made my decision; wish me luck.
It's not quite -10 in London, but it's very nippy. I was playing netball this evening, and it was -1 deg C, and there was a wicked wind, too. What my Granny would call a lazy wind - it goes through you rather than round you. That kind of cold, damp, windy evening makes me wonder if outdoor netball's really a good idea in winter!
Tks, A. Jones. Aussie winters in metropolitan Melbourne never gets older than 4 degrees and it's a constant bath of sunlight and sweat here in the tropics. I'm hoping the cold snap breaks soon; don't think my aching bones can take it. Take care those on that front.
25f here now, and still brrrrrrrrr - not quite Melbourne.......... - snow coming, but also will be a bit warmer (could never quite figure that one out ! :confused: )
We had -15 C this morning (5 F) her in Copenhagen - colder than it's been in years, but still not as cold as back in '86 when it was down to -22 C (- 7 F) at night for weeks and my Skoda was the only car that could start in the morning :)

- Karin
It was minus 7 overnight here, and we're in central London. Bleedin' nippy!
