Your enthusiasm is contagious Caitlin! It would be very cool to have a freshwater grading scale. Why isn't there one already?
By the way, I just received one of Jeremy's 10-11mm freshadama strands. Holy Cow! It's spectacular! If my digitcal camera was presently working (long unfortunate story involving small children), I would post some photos of it, though I'm sure Jeremy has much better ones from his studio. Though, I personally wish that all the vendors would photograph at least some of their strands on living, breathing human models as it gives a much better sense of proportion and scale.
By the way, I just received one of Jeremy's 10-11mm freshadama strands. Holy Cow! It's spectacular! If my digitcal camera was presently working (long unfortunate story involving small children), I would post some photos of it, though I'm sure Jeremy has much better ones from his studio. Though, I personally wish that all the vendors would photograph at least some of their strands on living, breathing human models as it gives a much better sense of proportion and scale.