A Knotty Submission

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I agree with Nerida. I love it whenever someone posts to your thread because then I get to see your faboo necklace again. It must drape beautifully. Maybe Terry would indulge us with a neck shot on his wife...:cool:
By all means, CALL TERRY! You too, Blaire, you both do amazing work!

The kite line is called Spider Line. I bought it years ago and I think it's made by the same folks at PowerPro. I got it in North Carolina for my kites but the shop is closed now. Catch the Wind in Oregon used to carry it, but I don't see it on their website. I got a 1,000 foot spool so I'll die before I use it up. It may be sold now for fishing line, but the packaging is different so I couldn't say which is the kind I have. I'm sure any synthetic would do.

Now that I have the pattern down, I can put the strand together in an afternoon.
I looked at kite line when I was trying to find a better deal on PowerPro. Most of them today are made of spectra. Power pro is made of spectra also.

You are going to make more for Terry? Same colors? Or other colors? I love those colors, (I'm a purple person) but are you going to be able to get enough of those pearls to make the hundreds and thousands of necklaces you will probably sell?

Very stylish design. I would like to see photos of it separated too.
Dear Caitlin, thank you so much for your compliment and vote of confidence. It means a lot to me. Yes, I have lots of stock in those colors. I don't know about hundreds of thousands but I probably have more than enough stock.

I would love to do a collection in different colors. Its already got a name, the Romance Collection. That's Nora's inspiration. I re-christened this Mermaid's Romance.

Yes, I know you're a purple person. Some of those pearls are a grape color and I thought of you every time I picked one up.
I said, hundred AND thousands! Hundreds OF thousands would be too much-even if you made one every afternoon for the rest of your life!

I ordinarily do not choose or wear complicated necklaces, as much as I admire them, but that one is growing on me. I can hardly wait to see the price.
Knotty - I love the name. Conjures up all sorts of things - quite fitting!

I like it! I am picturing myself wearing it. It's particularly nice with the golden rays of the setting sun hitting it while I stroll along Lakeside Beach. Cool.

Yeah!!! looking forward to eh next in the "Romance series" No I do not read those types of novels.

I am a just a hopeless romantic at heart (ask my husband who is just as romantic bet you thought Ii was going to say hopless huh...)

I can see many romatic settigs and possibilities to wear a delicious piece such as this lucious piece!

Congratulation Knotty !!!

Hope you are working on the next ones !!!
I just looked at the clock, realized I should get something to eat, checked my e-mail then PG and BAM! Oh wow! I'm still pinching myself! I'm in knotty heaven surrounded by pearls and thread. Is there anything better?

Wow, Slraep! What a great scene! You will, of course, be strolling with ... [fill-in your favorite fantasy]! Thank you so much.

Again, everyone, thank you all so much for all your support and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without you. Truly!

And those Shepherd Guys! Did Mama Shepherd raise them right or what!
Very lovely ... if I had extra cash I'd buy one, but really broke this month with engagement parties (no, not mine) and insurance premiums.

Yay Knotty! You have done such a lovely design and I can't even imagine how exciting it must be to have it all official on TPO's site. Can't wait to see more of your designs! Big congratulations to you. And to Mama Shepherd.
Pearl Math: Maybe someone can help me with this one. This design isn't knotted in a line. It's knotted east and west, then north and south. So, if the design unknotted measures 2-1/2" but after the design is tightened, it measures 1-1/2", how many linear inches am I actually stringing? Just curious.
Wow, Knotty, I'm SOOOOO impressed! Well done, you are FAMOUS! (Well, you've always been famous on p-g - I thought you were famous WAY before I signed up!)

Seriously, that's a quantum leap - having your work displayed and endorsed by a very savvy and well regarded online retailer - give yourself a pat on the back and have (another?) glass of champagne! (Forgive me, it is 5.30pm here and nearly cocktail hour...)Re the maths of your knotting - hey, I'm off for a gin and tonic!

if you would calculate the measurements in metric mm instead of inches, which is such an obsolete system, this would be much easier.
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