365 Days of Pearls

Oh gosh, your poor son! Breaking bones is so painful and to have two at once!!! My son broke his leg when he was five. I swear that night was one of the hardest nights for me with him crying out in pain. I hope your night was less traumatic and the pain was under control quickly. Hope his six weeks flies by quickly!
I am so sorry about your sons arm, hopefully it will heal quickly. My daughter once had a cast for 6 weeks on her arm during summer, and the heat made her arm itch.
Beautiful combination with those bronzey, coppery pearls and the top and sweater. The earrings are of course breathtakingly beautiful as all little h jewelry. Hisano is so creative. I always wonder what she will come up with next. Just gorgeous.
Oh dear, sorry about the broken arm and here's to a steady recovery.
Love the new photos...
Oh no. I hope he heals quickly. School ends today in Florida. Kids are off starting tomorrow.
Yikes! I hope your son's arm heals quickly and perfectly. I broke my wrist when I was 16-ish, and it healed really quickly, thanks to sheer youth, I suspect. ;)

I've been going through this thread again and just LOVING all the photos!
Oh, your poor baby! Poor you as well, it hurts to see our kids hurting. (It’s only after things are under control that we get to have the adrenaline shakes, right?)
Oh no, 2 broken bones at once? I'm especially sorry to hear that. One would be more than enough, but two... so sorry for him.
Sorry to hear about your boy's broken arm. I can empathize cause I broke my wrist last year. Not fun. I'll be praying for a quick & successful healing!
Beautiful collection and the little h pearl earrings are so gorgeous. Sending good thoughts for your son and hope he heals fast.
Thank you, amti, Charlotta, Katbran, Happy Huku, BWeaves, CricketBug, lisa c, BritM, 86CG, Germandpearlover!

My little guy went to the OR to have his arm reset this week, as the bones had shifted per a recent X-ray. And he’s come down with fever, vomiting. So not the happy update I wanted to share but on a positive note, the dr who reset his arm has a wonderful reputation.
Day 321:

Feather pearl necklace from Kojima Pearl, pistachio akoya rope from little h, freshwater dangles.







Sending good thoughts. The little ones heal quickly. I think it is often harder on the moms when kids get injured. hugs!
I really hope your sons arm gets better soon and that the break don't shift again. Beautiful pearls as always.
Baby Nurse, I've been so delighted to see you back with us again, but OOOH your poor boy! I hope he's soon on the mend again and out of discomfort. How stressful for you as well; hope you can get some rest as well. Hugs.
Poor young fellow, hope the bone resets properly this time and that his fever goes quickly.

Love the pearls of course!
Sorry to hear about your son. I hope he heals soon. Don't stress too much. He'll be back to his active self in no time. As usual, your Pearl's are gorgeous!0