2017 Tucson Gem and Mineral Shows - AGTA news


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2004
Friday, February 03, 2017 One Hundred Years of Cultured Pearls
COCONINO ROOM9:05 - 10:05 a.m.
Elisabeth Strack, Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg, onfo@strack-gih.de
Beginning - Intermediate - Advanced

[TD="colspan: 2"]The year 2016 is memorable in so far as it marks one hundred years of cultured pearl production. 1916 can be seen as the actual birth year of the round cultured pearl as it was in this year that Kokishi Mikimoto started regular production on the basis of the Mise-Nishikawa method.
Presentation will discuss cultured pearl production, including: Akoya, South Sea, Tahitian, Mexican, and China. Also covered will be Masao Fujita�s development of Bewa pearls, baroque and colorful freshwater pearls in Japan followed by huge quantities from China.
This talk will give a systematic summary of how the different types of pearls are related to and can be distinguished from each other.

This year's Strack lecture looks like a mini-PearlsasOne!

It's on a Friday- a good day for a change!

Note: Biwa pearls is spelled wrong in the blurb, but I did not change it..
How many here will be attending? Once again I will be missing it but eventually it will be cool to meet people at some (one) of the shows etc.

Jeremy Shepard had a post on where to go in Tucson at the 2017 gem and mineral show. To look at pearls. There was a mention of a venue for the general public on the post and I can't find the post anywhere. Thoughts and suggestions most appreciated!!
You are so kind! I think that the prior post might have been taken down. I do appreciate your efforts.
I do not know when any of the events are except Strack's talk. Thinking the Pearl Walk would follow the talk, but have no word on a P-G dinner, yet or who might be attending.

I hope Douglas and Henrique, Sarah and Elisabeth will be attending as well as any one reading this who will be in Tucson, Judy?
PearlyWhite- Others here have gone to Tuscon many times I'm sure. I've never made it as I'm never in America at the right time. I would love to see both the Tuscon show and the Las Vegas one just for the fun of it. It has been my understanding . and I certainly could be misremembering , that the many areas outside of the main building are mostly stones and fossils?
There are no planned events as our leader will be away supporting his wife and little h in NYC. See you at Elisabeth Strack's lecture. :)
Hi darling Caitlin! I am packing my bags from snowy and freezing Vermont as we chat! I will be coming in on Wednesday afternoon. Hope to see you before Strack. Looking forward to finding some beautiful colors this year! How about you???
PearlyWhite- Others here have gone to Tuscon many times I'm sure. I've never made it as I'm never in America at the right time. I would love to see both the Tuscon show and the Las Vegas one just for the fun of it. It has been my understanding . and I certainly could be misremembering , that the many areas outside of the main building are mostly stones and fossils?

Yes, there are many mineral specimens and fossils. There is a fabulous free show at the Westward Look resort that has the finest minerals you will see anywhere in the world. :)
I can't believe Hisano and I are going to miss this for the first time in 10 years!

Hisano was accepted into the New York Now show's handmade exhibition and it is happening this week. Hisano is in Tucson today, but just for one day. We head to New York on Thursday.
Yes. I will need some time to get over there as I am booked up with events -- but I will post something --maybe a video.