18ct gold pearl necklace???? is this worth anything


New Member
May 14, 2012
here is a necklace out my grandma's house im not sure how old it is i was hoping yous on here could help me.. heres a couple pics


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We need some better photos, please. Do you have a macro (flower) on your camera? Taking the photo against a white cloth or paper towel helps. Is the clasp stamped and what exactly is on it? What size are the white "pearls"? Use the cm side of a ruler to get am approx size in mm.

What kind of a salvage value did you get from the jeweler, if you don't mind sharing?
i have taken them off my phone, i will get my digital camera tomorrow and upload more, i cant see exact whats stamped on the clasp but i took it to a jewlers and he said it was 18ct but couldnt give me a valuation, i think my gran had these for over 50 year but that is all i know
i have just took these off my phone again like but with paper towel and tape measure


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25" long the chain is, and yes all the links are same colour as casp when i go get the digi cam in morning il get a magnafieing glass and see what else i can find on it
Are you in Newcastle budolskie (I'm wondering because of the name of the photos)
That's a really nice necklace..it would be a huge shame if it went to melt only. You would make more selling it at your local weekly or fortnightly auction if all else fails
If it is a UK piece it should have a proper hallmark on it somewhere (CPJ may be a sponsor's or maker's mark)
ok havin a look at it has got 5 stamps on it i might go try an auction with it or try get it valued all them in newcastle say they dont buy pearls and would only pay scrap but they dont no how much to take off for weight off pearls. would an antique dealer be better to ask
Yes, an antique dealer might be a better bet for a sale - or eBay - or the local general auction house
Five stamps sounds like it has a hallmark, so is british made
ok m8 cheers il go look at a few in morning see what i can find out, see if am sitting on a small fortune
Great, you did it, got your own thread! I hope you get us some good close ups before someone snags those pearls off you. They're quite interesting!
I'm getting the digi cam about 11 al come hoy a few pics up b4 a run round sum antique dealers see what a can find out
heres a few new pics with digi cam, been to a few jeweelers aswell they say its deffo real pearls a need t opay 55 to get it tested and a certifacte, the jeweeler says he cant write down whats on it but he told me theres a crown with 750 near it meaning the 18ct there is also mi or ml and a cpj stam on it


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any idea what kind these pearls are????

any idea what kind these pearls are????

my grandma has passed away and this is in with her jewelery im not sure how old it is but just been to jewellers and they says they are real pearls and its 18ct gold but cant giv me a value pirce as they will only price it for scrap im not after selling it im just curious to how old it is and if it has any value


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sorry im new to sight a just thought hoying it in as many threads as possible to get more info, is that not how yous work on here
Give me the url of the other thread.

budolskie- this is a small forum. Many of us read every single post every single day, so no need to repost. In fact, it would be best to have all your pix on one thread. Once yu have seen that necklace, you never forget it.

I do just love that necklace and maybe you could take some more pictures- really closeup. I swear, if I had any money, I would buy that. I have a thing for jewelry that is hard to break!

Perhaps you could sell it on eBay. I really am lusting after it, and I am not a gold person, most of the time, so that means a lot of other people would want it too.