17 carat Conch Pearl

Nov 22, 2012
I have a collection of conch pearls this is the largest it is 17 carats wondering what the best way to sell this and maximise its potential e17 conch pearls 334.jpg
I love the flame on that. Is it really that pink? Gorgeous! It looks like a rose or beet a tulip that is about to open.

Please post photos of all of them!

You can learn a lot about maximizing pearl potential from a lot of sellers here. I would check out Etsy and Ebay. Good pix and a lot of them for each pearl and a good description of them can get you noticed through Google Shopping and just plain Googling '17k conch pearl' if you use either of those sites, but let's see what others say...
Have you thought of using an auction house? Bonhams is a good one for things like this. :)
Thanks for the imput i was wondering if i should have it certified or not. It is real and untouched incredible flame
Bonhams or Christies do high end items.

I think most of those those are so clearly conch pearls they would not need to be certified. What is the button shaped brown one? It looks more like some other mollusk than conch, so I must need to be educated.

Maybe only get the unusual ones certified. But, it is expensive per pearl and natural pearl buyers who design and make jewelry don't need certification- they know their pearls.
The same one, right? Glad you bumped this thread. Have you checked out the big auction houses? You could put up individual pix and descriptions.
Love the smaller oval bright pink one , third from the right. How big is it?
How big are the 4 little peach coloured on the right side?

Out of curiosity, what is the safest way to ware in jewelry conch pearls? It would seem a shame to drill them. Maybe a brooch?

I can't believe how beautiful they are, I told myself to stop looking 10 minutes ago.