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  1. B

    Rope of natural seed pearls

    Hello, Thank you in advance for any help. It is most appreciate. I have a soft spot for small natural seed pearls ever since I saw a vintage piece when I was a kid. Is there a place, other than ebay, to find a rope of small natural seed pearls? Is it possible to get a white set with a nice...
  2. B

    17 carat Conch Pearl

    Love the smaller oval bright pink one , third from the right. How big is it? How big are the 4 little peach coloured on the right side? Out of curiosity, what is the safest way to ware in jewelry conch pearls? It would seem a shame to drill them. Maybe a brooch? I can't believe how...
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    Visiting Mikimoto NYC - For newbies

    I am hoping this could be a good summery of what to expect/see in Mikimoto products for newbies looking for their first pearls. My history: I have been bouncing back and forth from Pearl Paradise and the Mikimoto website. It took a while, as I am new, to figure out the grades of each company...
  4. B

    Nice but Not Perfect

    I saw these SS pearls on Ross Simons. They are "18 inch necklace, near round, white and 12-14mm" for $2000...