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  1. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    Considering you've formed an opinion and then changed it based on the opinions of one poster and your own mis-conceptions, then I find it a bit disconcerting that it seems I'm being told not to counter those opinions. Even if I find those opinions to be contrary to my own. Once apon a time I...
  2. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    My answers still remain the same. So here are my comments to your Facebook repost. It ceratainly is. But just because you are fit doesn't mean you have the strength, endurance or where with all to do the job over a 12 hour day. The safe diving impovements in the current modern day industry...
  3. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    The company obviously supplies the boat. Perhaps this can be considered akin to the worksite if you're a builder for example. Or the aircraft if we want to keep with the aviation industry analogy. When I was in the water the company supplied the steel rings, netting and cord to make your own...
  4. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    Like I've said you already seem to have made up your mind.
  5. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    That's what I have been saying.
  6. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    With what you've quoted me on it's not about what side 4 Corners have taken. My comments were with regards to how dismissive people in this country can be of the ABC as being "left wing journalists". Especially if they don't like the way something has been reported. Again I agree with the main...
  7. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    I'll repsond to some of Dave's comments; Oxgen is carried on board. It is used on those dives when staging at 10 metres is required. Considering that a trip to sea averages 8 days then yes there is more than enough carried onboard. Rough days for a diver isn't something to be too concerned...
  8. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    I'd thank you to not attribute to me comments that I have not made. Please check the remarks that you are attributing to me as my quoted comment before you bundle them into a quote. To answer your comment; the 4 Corners programme is produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC...
  9. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    My condolences for your loss. To answer question 1, I'd say yes. To question 2 I'd have to say no. Unfortunately I don't think focusing more on the rescue and resuscitation side is going to be as practical as focusing on a more intensive drift diving induction.
  10. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    Some more sloppy commenting from you? Why is it that I am accused of being cranky when I am simply stating that there is misinformation in this thread on the ins and outs of drifting. I mean there wasn't even a clear idea on how divers are contracted for a season and not full time employees.
  11. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    The industry moved pretty quickly in the 1990s, so hopefully they'll do it again. How do you qualify that comment. Or is it just a knee jerk reaction? Something that you seem to be implying I'm guilty of. The Fisheries side of it certainly is. Especially with regards to quotas. Though the drift...
  12. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    Considering the amount of misinformation in this thread as to what exactly drift diving is, I'm not sureprised that anyone thinks that the 4 Corners report is bad journalism. Hopefully this 4 Corners story gets Paspaley to review their drift diving procedures now instead of waiting 2 to 3 years...
  13. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    Edit: The report was detailed enough to allow for specualation that Paspaley may have been negligent in their duty of care. From your comments here and here you seem to have already made up your mind. 4 Corners has been taken to task over it's 40 year history but it still attempts to...
  14. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    The open water certification is the same that recreational divers use. Unless standards have changed over the years I didn't think too much of the open water and advanced open water courses run by PADI. No I haven't. I have noted that there is an industry induction course and that even the...
  15. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    The 80 Mile Beach is where the pearling companies take their anually aloted quota of shell from the wild. After seeding the shell are moved away to each company's farming areas.
  16. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    It's not full time employment. Divers are contracted for the season and paid per shell caught.
  17. Ragnorak

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    Please note that I am replying to Lagoon Island Pearl's comments and this in no way should be construed as anything other than this. It means no such thing. While people come into drift diving from other commercial diving areas, many still come from the tourist oriented dive industry. An...
  18. Ragnorak

    Financial blunders take sheen off pearl farmer

    Pardon? Pardon? From the Article; It looks like things haven't gotten any better at The West Australian newspaper. From the company website; Despite the accounting mistake, if hey can make it work in the Northern Territory then good luck to them...
  19. Ragnorak

    Baby South Sea Pearls

    This is not meant to be critical but do you think that both samples in the photo could be considered to be of a similar grade for each product? While SSPs will appear to have a sharper reflection (when photgraphed), wouldn't an akoya of what could be considered a similar quality give the same...
  20. Ragnorak

    Where can I see SS pearls in Sydney or NSW?

    A bit late. But as far as I can remember there was a store in the lobby of the city Hilton that used to sell stuff from Paspaley. Don't know if the store's still there though. I haven't been there since before they did the refurb to the hotel.