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  1. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    That's hysterical---and oh sooo true (I am 38 and she worries about me the same way she did when I was 13). It used to drive me nuts, but I got over it and I now that I have a little girl of my own, I can already see the pattern repeating!!
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    Interesting Story from Indonesia

    Most industries that deal in commodities have some sort of guide or index that they work from. Pearls are a bit funky though. The lack of a grading standard does make it hard to create a "Rapaport" style sheet for pearls, but it seems like it would make sense for all involved to move in that...
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    Interesting Story from Indonesia

    I am a pearl newbie, but not a jewelry newbie. :) We had three generations of diamond traders in my family--my grandpa was the last in the line. The diamond trade is a pretty tough business and my grandpa made a few bad business decisions in the late 70's and early 80's and the business died...
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    Should they stay or should they go????

    That's great--split the difference between our moms and life would be grand. :) My mom is the type that will also get upset if she thinks I spent too much money on a gift and then will try to give me money towards it. There have been times she has actually gotten angry--not mock anger either...
  5. E

    Majorica pearls are fake, aren't they?

    Majorica's can be very convincing. My grandfather gave my grandmother a double strand of "akoyas" for their tenth anniversary in 1954. My grandmother went her whole life believing my grandfather had given her real pearls. She was really proud of them and cherished them for years. They had a 18k...
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    Interesting Story from Indonesia

    Wendy, what you're describing certainly would be a violation of state and federal antitrust laws in the US, which have traditionally been tougher than in the UK and EU (just ask De Beers). Indonesia may be a different story, however, I don't think they are suggesting that pearl farmers get...
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    Interesting Story from Indonesia

    Why do the pearl farmers think that government intervention is he answer? It's an awful idea. They have a trade association for goodness sake. Why not let them come up with a solution--like forming a central market and agree to allow auction prices set the market price. How about an Internet...
  8. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    Thanks!! I bought a wood presentation box (the one it came with was really chintzy) and it's amazing what nice presentation can do for jewelry. It actually looks better in the new box--and much more expensive.
  9. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    I actually inherited this unfortunate trait and my wife can't stand it She stopped buying me presents--I buy them for myself since it saves waiting on a line for a return. It's sad though. :-( I am an overachiever/perfectionist, but I don't suffer from the unworthiness thing and I will feel...
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    Majorica pearls are fake, aren't they?

    Nice find Pattye. Did you catch the description from lord and Taylor's site: "Don the timeless beauty of this organic man-made necklace from Majorica. Featuring an 18 Kt. gold and rose gold vermeil plated sterling silver clasp and multi-colored 14MM organic man-mad pearls, enjoy this graceful...
  11. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    I guess I'll find out on March 11. My mom is the greatest mom in the world, but she isn't perfect. One of her flaws is that if she doesn't love a gift, it's easy to tell. She just isn't one of those people that loves everything we buy her--and insists we buy from a place that takes returns. :)
  12. E

    Majorica pearls are fake, aren't they?

    Interesting way of listing them: "Pearls are organically grown and very close to natural" This is definitely misleading. From what I understand and as described by Jeremy, Majorica pearls are made by dipping a glass bead in a paste made from fish scales. The paste itself is organic in...
  13. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    I don't mind fishhooks in general, but I don't like those small filigree ones that are often included with the strand (like the one that came with this strand). I haven't measured the pearls to confirm size, but here's the description that was provided by the vendor: This item features...
  14. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    A. Jones, they are from PO. :) I bought another strand from them for my wife at a higher price point, but I haven't received it yet (and won't for a little while). I am still am shopping though. I would love to get something for my wife that is on par with the pearls on my cufflinks...
  15. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    I feel kind bad calling to complain about the overtone. I already called her a couple of days ago because I was unhappy with the clasp. It's a 14k white gold fishhook, but it's very small and difficult to get on and off. She offered to give me $25 credit towards the purchase, which I could...
  16. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    Jeremy, I agree... the red is an odd choice for describing an overtone, but that was the description. The picture used to show the strand did, indeed, show a "red" overtone. Here's the picture that was posted for the strand: Clearly, the picture on the vendor's site looks snazzier than...
  17. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    I just received a strand of tahitian pearls I purchased for my mom for her 65th Birthday. They were described as dark grey, with red overtone. I am not really seeing the red overtone though. I was on a tight budget for this strand, which I purchased during a Valentine's Day sale for $360.00...
  18. E

    looking for information on how to buy a pearl necklace

    Slpearlguy, Welcome to the forum! It sounds like you're looking for high quality akoyas for your wife. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of freshwaters and they have advantages, but if your honey has her heart set on akoyas and she is just starting out with pearls, gorgeous high quality...
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    Bali Indonesia Pearl Farm

    Wow Peter, those are amazing photographs. You're a very talented photographer. When I take business trips it's usually to places like Milwaukee, Detroit, Greensboro and Cleveland-- I am in the wrong line of business. :) Oh--and those golden SS look fantastic too!
  20. E

    Maybe because I'm a nacre nerd ...

    That's an interesting article Jeremy. I would have thought marine biologists would have known ths for a while though, since nacre production in Pinctada fucata martensii has always been effected by water temperature (particularly rapid crystal formation in warmer water) and has been an obstacle...