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  1. J

    adhesives & glue solvents

    Hey beaders, I need your help. I favor vintage clasps and fittings from the 60's and 70's, based on weight and the fact most are cast, not stamped and have a more substantial presence. I'll buy vintage findings, then use them with newer pearls. Can anyone tell me the best solvent to use to...
  2. J

    Where/What to Buy in Hawaii??

    Thanks so much Cathy for the pictures. Timing is perfect, I'm in Oahu now. And picking through bins of Tahitians is exactly the kind of adventure I'm looking for. I particularly like the overtone of the two pearls you've pictured on the spool. Love to take a couple of those home with me...
  3. J

    FW Pearls on Steroids?

    Last night when the time zone change had me wide awake at 1am, I jumped on the forum and went to Jeremy's Pearl chat link. While I didn't make it the whole way through, the first 30 minutes covered several new pearl development techniques leading to these larger than life pearls. In fact he...
  4. J

    FW Pearls on Steroids?

    So photographing at midnight is not ok? Just reviewed the thread on taking great photos. I promise to reform and can't wait to try the underwater technique. I do have a white box also,just never thought to use it for pearls. Guess that's why I'm a spat!
  5. J

    FW Pearls on Steroids?

    Just had a brainstorm. Here's one more picture of these KLONKS against a strand of 8-8.5 mm FWP's.
  6. J

    FW Pearls on Steroids?

    Ok folks, here they are. They are more modest than Cyndayco's mammoth South Seas look-a-likes, ranging from 13-15mm. They are also a bit more textured and certainly not perfect in shape, but the nacre had a bit of metallic tone on a number of the pears, and all in all very appropriate for...
  7. J

    FW Pearls on Steroids?

    Will do. It's stashed in the bottom of my bag. I didn't want a discussion with customs about the possibility of these being South Seas when I clearly paid for freshwater but forgot to get a receipt (you know, the sure lady discussion).
  8. J

    FW Pearls on Steroids?

    What a difference a year makes!! Just got back from my Manila trip and what was noteably different this trip from 10 months ago when I was there, is that most everyone is selling really massive pearls. Not quite as easy now to seperate the bead nucleated fresh water monster pearls from the...
  9. J

    Philippine Pearls, vintage and other?

    Hey Cynthia, I got by Bijou and indeed their designs were stunning. Also did a stop off to drool in Jewelmer where I saved my buddy (you know who) from a near disaster. She was ready to grab up a wonderful pearl rings with a price tag of 1400, no negotiation required!! Of course she was...
  10. J

    Which is the better buy: baroque SSPs or baroque akoyas?

    gorgeous metallics gorgeous metallics Those metallics are gorgeous Cyndayco. I looked at that strand earlier today on PP when I got a hankering for some big metallic studs. What a great birthday treat. Don't know who said it but you can never have too many pearls...
  11. J

    Philippine Pearls, vintage and other?

    Thanks Cyndayco. Your recommendations are perfect. I stay in Makati at Intercom or Fairmont, so know those malls well. I don't however recall seeing either of the stores. But with the sheer number of stores and size of the malls, it's no wonder. Plus I tend to get stuck in Kultura where I...
  12. J

    Philippine Pearls, vintage and other?

    Oh my....the Hoseki link is amazing Cees. And their designs are stunning - not just an occasional "nice" piece but lots of take your breath away unique designs. Thank you so much!! Now we'll see if my wallet is up to the challenge. I wonder if they have layaway in the Philippines??
  13. J

    Philippine Pearls, vintage and other?

    Going to be in Manila next weekend and I'd would like to treasure hunt beyond Greenhills and Market Market. I love vintage pearls and would guess Manila might have some vintage stores or jewellers who specialize in this area. Does anyone have any recommendations? Cyndanco have you explored...
  14. J

    Where/What to Buy in Hawaii??

    Thanks so much Renna. Not only for the shopping tips but also for the restaurant recommendation. Looking forward to the trip!!
  15. J

    Where/What to Buy in Hawaii??

    Thanks Renna!! You've saved me a bunch of time on researching pearl farms for sure. I will make it to the North Shore Renna and find the stores you indicated. I've seen a reference or two to pearls in Chinatown, any idea if that's anything other than souvenir prepackaged stuff?
  16. J

    Where/What to Buy in Hawaii??

    Great info Wild Onion. I'll be sure to add Margo to the top of my pearl list. Pearls in bins?? Nothing better.
  17. J

    Where/What to Buy in Hawaii??

    Thanks Pattye. Nothing better than a treasure hunt. Can't wait to get my hands in those bins at Margo!!
  18. J

    Where/What to Buy in Hawaii??

    So have a trip to Oahu planned in the near future, and thinking about the opportunity to make a pearl purchase. I would prefer to buy from a Pearl Market or Pearl Farm where I can see and touch, versus the typical Maui Divers or other tourtist focused jewelers. Anyone know any inside...
  19. J

    What started the obsession

    Thanks Cyndanco. Those are beyond cool!! Love your creative use as door handles. Not heading to Bali anytime soon, but there's always the internet.
  20. J

    What started the obsession

    Not only is your ring absolutely gorgeous, I can certainly see how you got hooked on the baroque pearl in that amazing setting. And while talking about unique, the hand display - looks like cast bronze, is amazing as well. Wherever did you find that interesting piece? Would love to...