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    French Polynesia, New Zealand, and Australia...

    Very enjoyable read. Makes me wish I took a camera on all my travels...
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    Tahitian pearl farming video

    Very nice site and nice pearls!
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    The sockeye is a Pacific ocean fish. The benfits of eating fish far outway any trace elements. Check your water report, chances are it does not meet federal guidlines. Why because the Govt. lowered the allowable amount. If you live in a large city the air has all sorts of VOCs etc. It is not...
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    Interesting, thanks!
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    I had a feeling they might use man made ponds, like some fish farms. Does the quality go down in any way when it is a man made pond? I will take wild salmon over farm salmon any day! mmm smoked sockeye...
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    This is my first post been visiting for a while but signed up finally. I was curious, how big of a threat is pollution to the future of freshwater pearls? Most of them come from China and we all know China, being a country going through rapid industrialization, like many other countires...