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  1. purlgurl

    Kojima Pearl

    Sarah, I agree with Nerida, the second pair is delicious! The yellow gold brings out the warmth. I have a superb Kunzite trilliant which is calling out for a metallic pink nuggety pearl. Hmmm, I wonder if I can find another shape for a mismatched pair.
  2. purlgurl

    Kojima Pearl

    I love mismatched earrings. Here's a few lowly beader pairs.
  3. purlgurl

    Designer Launches Pearl Line for Men!

    YUM Blaire, thanks for the link. The rings are really gorgeous, oh and so is the guy. (Now if that doesn't confirm my priorities, I dont know what does.)
  4. purlgurl

    Kojima Pearl

    Oh Nora (and Josh) I have only been hunting for about 10 years..... for black flattish Keshis to make cufflinks. They are MAGNIFICENT!
  5. purlgurl

    Pearl feature in 'VOGUE' magazine.

    Hi & welcome, if this keeps going, we might have enough for an Aussie Ruckus. I have been as far South as Venus Bay, are you far from there?
  6. purlgurl

    Exotic Strands Are Coming!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ditto! Yes please! Especially the off round bit.
  7. purlgurl

    Back from a London journey, more stories about pearls

    Im sure my brother my brother would agree with Eli. He runs car events (like Classic Rallies, & trips to Europe to see the Grand Prix & have a go in an F1 racing car). He decided that if men were coming in to my shop to buy jewels for their partners, there should be something there to keep them...
  8. purlgurl

    Why do I give myself headaches?

    Clever Nerida, I will have to work out a formula for that. The knotting isnt so much a problem as enlarging the holes in the first & last few pearls, and getting the blasted needle through that last pearl. I broke about 5 I think. Definitely something to leave to rest for a while & come back to...
  9. purlgurl

    Why do I give myself headaches?

    Wendy Wendy Wendy... hahahaha I used to sell pearls direct/party plan, and it was just about Pearls-On-Call, like being a Doctor. People used to call just before they were going out, for a gift for the birthday girl. They did have Pearl Emergencies!
  10. purlgurl

    Why do I give myself headaches?

    I will now have to get new glasses... The customer wanted it today, to wear to a party tonight, so not enough time to get it to & from Bernadette. Anyway I wouldnt wish this headache on her... Its 3 mm (and some are smaller) and so sweet! I bet I wont get a tip for finishing before I said I would.
  11. purlgurl

    ICPGC - Pearl Guide Ruckus!

    The PP lost property department address is: Sublime Jewels Worth a try....
  12. purlgurl


    ...and here was I thinking that there was so much to learn about I discover that taking hundreds of shots to find one decent one was only part of the way to photograph.... yet another steep learning curve. I think I will hand that part over to the experts, and you will all have to...
  13. purlgurl


    Thats a great name for those particular exotics... Heartbreakers
  14. purlgurl


    Pow! Jeremy you knocked my socks off! Those pearls need to come with a pair of sunglasses. The metalics are almost too much for me to bear... Almost.
  15. purlgurl

    Authentic Biwa Pearls?

    I have sooooo much to learn... I thought rice krispies were more kinda cornflake shaped ie flat & wrinkly, rather than rice grain shaped & wrinkly. Like colour names, I suppose its semantics, perception and local meanings. Our cereal shaped like those is called rice bubbles.
  16. purlgurl

    heat and pearls

    Thanks Lisa & Pattye. I have a Degree in Textile Design, Jewellery was my Minor, so I did a bit of silversmithing, enamelling, perspex... the usual '80s things. I spent the intervening years working in Fashion, from Haute Couture, to bridal, to childrens clothes. I was State Manager for a very...
  17. purlgurl

    How to Wear Pearls

    I seem to remember, Michelle has a Rhodium ring. Rhodium is so expensive, normally it is used to plate over white gold, to give it that clean white almost chrome look, rather than dull yellowish grey. One little bottle of the solution (ie its diluted!) for plating, costs nearly $1000 here. So...
  18. purlgurl

    How to Wear Pearls

    OOOOOH YUM! Well? are they yours Jeremy? I wonder if they are hooked up like that permanently, or if someone spent hours playing to do that. Very clever, subtle layering of sizes. Spectacular. OK OK I'll stop gushing... (As if you could get me to stop...)