Search results

  1. GemGeek

    New Dark Cherry and Peacock Necklace From PP

    That is a fabulous strand. Enjoy!
  2. GemGeek

    Greenhills pearls

    Wow, can't wait for a "neck shot"! :)
  3. GemGeek

    My pearls

    Thanks for letting me live vicariously. Your pearls and the photos are outstanding. :)
  4. GemGeek

    Once in a Lifetime: The Sinkankas Symposium on Pearls!

    I decided what to wear, clothing wise. Now for the pearls... I was finally able to get an appointment to break into the bank box next Friday. I'll be sure to come across the keys soon after, but what the heck! :) I'm now leaning toward the baby Edison pearls, but will have to see what looks best...
  5. GemGeek

    First Last Fiji Pearls

    Those earrings with the diamonds are so luscious. The colors, the shapes, the whole arrangement - perfect! :)
  6. GemGeek

    Colorful FW Easter Egg Necklace Rope and White Pearl Ropes

    Great job. That multi-color rope is Easter egg and totally Spring and Summer, too. :)
  7. GemGeek

    GSS set, aka, "There's no such thing as a free lunch":

    True Dat! Have a good visit.
  8. GemGeek

    need help with double strand

    Fabulous! Perfect dress for them, too.
  9. GemGeek

    men and pearls

    Serious coolness!
  10. GemGeek

    Once in a Lifetime: The Sinkankas Symposium on Pearls!

    Awesome! You have many perfect choices.
  11. GemGeek

    Once in a Lifetime: The Sinkankas Symposium on Pearls!

    I had to give Mom my key because she lost hers for the box I can get into. Many years ago if you had a key there was a fee to replace it. I hate to think I have to pay twice. Your Dad was brilliant. I did show Mom the three places I might hide jewelry, but I wonder how she would do if I tested...
  12. GemGeek

    Your opinion please!

    Definitely drool-worthy!
  13. GemGeek

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Red, that is a beautiful combination of colors and weight- just right. Jeg, wow, what an amazing strand of Japanese Kasumi pearls. They look terrific on you. BWeaves, the woven top is gorgeous on its own, but the pearls together with the top bring out the richest colors.
  14. GemGeek

    Once in a Lifetime: The Sinkankas Symposium on Pearls!

    Under the heading of TMI: I didn't think that through. The antique pins may be in the "missing key box" or they may be in my other box. A year or two before I moved away from Mom's house in 2011, I got a safe deposit box in her area and I still had it so she could use it. Now, I put some of my...
  15. GemGeek

    Once in a Lifetime: The Sinkankas Symposium on Pearls!

    Since I am speaking on the history of pearls, I may wear some antique pearl pins.
  16. GemGeek

    Anyone up for a Trip to Sea of Cortez Pearls?

    Go Linda! It's super hot there in June, so bring your lovely lightweight sundresses.
  17. GemGeek

    Once in a Lifetime: The Sinkankas Symposium on Pearls!

    What pearls to wear? I am not sure! :) Remember that a bunch of them are still in the safe deposit box where I don't have the key!
  18. GemGeek

    Seeking Advice

    This whole pearl party thing is a racket. I can't imagine you would want to be associated with it in any way. Setting something up that you see as legitimate, will not make a difference. Bored people looking for a thrill akin to gambling are not the customers for building a future. Pearl parties...
  19. GemGeek

    Once in a Lifetime: The Sinkankas Symposium on Pearls!

    Spread the word if you know any pearl lovers in the area. I would love to meet them! :)